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"Annaka,we're gonna be late!" My little sister screamed as i put my hair in to a pony. "Ok,just a minuet!" I responded. I ran to our family's black mini van. I hop in next to my twin brother,Jacob "Watch where you sit, retard!"
"Haha" i said angrily. "Carter,why are you so quiet?"
"Yeah,Carter cat got your tongue?" My little sister,Tabethia giggled. My brother jumped "i'am ok", he said
"Well,then i should inform you about the spot on your shirt." I pointed to the middle of his shirt.
"What?" He said stupidly looking down I flicked his nose
"Got you"
"Annaka, i'am not in the mood!"
"Well then.." I said as we drove out of our driveway. Once we got to the mall my brother had become even quieter.
"Don't you love the mall around christmas,Annie"Tabethia asked from the seat next to me. "Yeah,hey mom can me and Tabby go to bath and body works and met up with you later?"
"Sure,Carter go with them,Jacob needs to try so stuff on with me." My mom said with a smile
"Ugh,fine!" Carter yelled once we got in to the store i put some hand sanintizer in my hand "hey,Carter smell this." I slapped him in the face with it.
"That's it,Annaka i've had it! You are officially the worst sister ever!" He yelled while the hand sanintizer ran down his face. People stared to stare. My brother ran out of the store.
"Carter,wait" I ran after him, but it was like looking for one fish in a big pond. "Carter!" I begin to breath heavily "Cater!" He was gone.

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