3: Chapter twelve

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When Sirius, Ernie, Justin and Hannah made it to defence against the dark arts, they were very surprised to find professor Snape stood at the front of the class instead of Lupin.

"Are we in the right class?" Sirius asked Justin, who nodded.

"I think so."

"Sit down, quickly." Snape told them, they scuttled to their seats. "Turn to page three hundred and ninety four."

Quickly grabbing his book out of his bag and flipping to the right page, Sirius was surprised to find the title being nothing to do with the work they had been doing in class with Lupin. "Werewolves?" He questioned aloud.

"Correct Mister Potter, glad you can read." Snape replied.

"Werewolves are real?" Sirius asked, Hannah rolled her eyes at him.

"I wonder what world you live in sometimes Sirius."

"Can anybody tell me the difference between an animagus and a werewolf?" Snape asked, they all stared blankly at him. "Nobody?" 

"With all due respect professor, we haven't exactly covered werewolves yet." Sirius piped up, surprising himself.

"I like that phrase, because it doesn't specify how much respect is due." Jane said from beside him making him jump out of his skin, he realised he really needed to be more observant.

"So you're behind?" Snape asked them.

"I don't know, we haven't seen the lesson plans." Hannah rolled her eyes, Snape looked at their group in mild disgust.

"Five points from hufflepuff."

"For what?" Ernie asked, although he wasn't that bothered, they never won the house cup anyway.

"Don't make it ten." Snape replied as Sirius put his hand up again. "Yes Potter?"

"So what is an animagus?" He asked.

"You don't even know that?" He seemed genuinely appalled. 

"It hasn't come up." Sirius told him.

"It has, you're just stupid." Hannah explained. Snape sighed, he hadn't anticipated having to deal with them twice in one day.

"You hurt me." Sirius pouted.

Snape sighed irritatedly. "Someone please explain to Mr Potter what an animagus is."

"It's a wizard who can turn into an animal, most typically the same animal as their Patronus takes the form of." Jane quickly explained to him, he nodded in understanding and wondered how exactly one became and animagus.

"The difference between an animagus and a werewolf, is of course an animagus has control and werewolf doesn't. So, what else do we know about werewolves?" Snape asked, Sirius thought back to the muggle books he had read and wondered if the stories were even a little bit true. "Apart from that they turn at full moons." Snape looked pointedly at Sirius, who felt offended by that. "No one? Typical." The head of Slytherin scoffed and set up an old projector. "You'd better be listening carefully."


"Do you think we're winning?" Sirius looked up from his potions homework at Leah's question.

"I doubt it, Cedric's always saying Gryffindor have a really strong side." He and Leah were sat alone in the common room whilst outside in the rain a Quidditch game between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff raged on.

"I hope they're alright in this weather." Leah glanced out the window in worry. the weather was atrocious, raindrops the size of golfballs and wind that felt like it was capable of slicing right through you. The two were glad they weren't out there, even though the rest of the school were perfectly fine with being drenched to watch a sport where you could barely see what's happening.

"well, the could have called it off." Sirius shook his head and got back to his work, he'd taken the opportunity for complete quiet to both have a lie in and get some of his homework done. He and Leah had already completed two pieces of homework each and were on their third, Edward had joined them for a bit, but then sloped off to the library. 

"That's true, I guess it is their fault." She agreed, he laughed and scrabbled through his potions book trying to find the answer to one of the questions Snape had set. Having Snape double the usual amount was getting a bit much for him.

"I mean really, why would anyone go outside in this weather." He agreed with a sigh. "Nutters, the lot of them."

They had maybe another half an hour before the rabble of quidditch goers came back.

"We won!" Cedric announced to them as he entered the common room with Hannah and the rest of the hufflepuff quidditch team.

"What? How?" Sirius frowned, he couldn't believe what Cedric had just said.

"Dementors invaded the game." Hannah told him as she sat down beside him and started reading his essay over his shoulder, he knew within a matter of minutes she would be critiquing it.

"What? Is Harry okay?" Sirius' eyes widened. He knew dementors affected Harry really badly, mainly because he had retained some sort of memory of their mothers death, whereas he had just blocked it out completely.

"He fell of his broom." Justin explained. Sirius jumped up at once.

"For the love of Merlin!" He sighed as he raced out of the common room and into the hospital wing. "Stop injuring yourself!" He yelled as he reached his brother, who had definitely just woken up. Hermione, Ron and the majority of the Gryffindor Quidditch team were there.

"Sorry, so where's Oliver?" Harry asked.

"In the showers, we think he's trying to drown himself." Fred answered with a shrug. "Cedric offered a rematch, but he wouldn't take it."

"So what happened?" Sirius asked, sitting down on the end of his brothers bed.

"The dementors invaded the game and Harry passed out." Ron said.

"I've never seen Dumbledore so angry." George added.

"Oh, an Harry your broom, it hit the womping willow." Hermione said with a frown. "It didn't make it." She deposited the pieces of the broom wrapped in a blanket onto the bed beside Sirius.

"Oh no!" Harry groaned, Sirius patted his brothers arm sympathetically, he knew how much his brother loved his broom.

"I'm sorry Harry, but are you okay?" Sirius asked his brother, Harry was always getting injured and it scared Sirius everytime, he may not be the closest to his brother, but he was all he had and he hated seeing him hurt.

"I'm okay Sirius, I promise."

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