1: chapter twenty five

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Sirius made it to the end of year feast, with the help of Ollie, despite the older boy constantly worrying the entire way there.

"Ollie I'm fine, really." But Sirius was not fine, he just didn't want to share how much he was struggling.

"No you're not, maybe this was a bad idea." Ollie stopped near the door to the great hall and looked at Sirius anxiously.

"Ollie please, I've been up there all week, I haven't complained, I haven't moved. Please let me go." Sirius begged. Ollie sighed.

"Fine, but if you get worse, We're leaving okay? I don't want you dying on me." He finally agreed, they were about to go in when they met Milicent Bulstrode.

"Millie! Hey." Sirius greeted her. She stared at him in surprise.

"Wow you look awful." She told him, he grinned at her.

"It always know the best things to say." He laughed as they walked into the great hall.

"Yeah, well that's me." But she smiled at him. " Get Well soon Sirius."

"Thanks Millie."

They reached the hufflepuff table, where the others were already sat.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Ollie asked.

"I'm fine Ollie." Sirius sighed.

"You've been through so much for someone so young." He said sadly. Sirius frowned.

"I'm not that young." He said back, Ollie shook his head sadly.

"You're practically a baby." He told the Potter boy, who frowned.

"Ollie Sirius and I are the same Year." Jane pointed out.

"You're almost a year older than him!" Ollie argued his point, Jane just sighed.

"I'm not a baby!" Sirius exclaimed, Hannah laughed.

"Yes you are!" She said. "Look at that cute little face!" She squished Sirius' cheeks jokingly, he sighed and pushed her hands away from his face.

"Are you feeling any better?" Ernie asked from opposite him. Sirius nodded at once.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. I'm healing." Sirius answered with a smile, this wasn't exactly true as somethings were refusing to heal, but he wasn't ready to admit that.

"That's good to hear. Also in the holidays We're gonna pester you to meet us." Justin added with a laugh.

"I shouldn't have told you where I live." Sirius said jokingly, but he smiled as the memories of last summer came rushing back.

Dumbledore began announcing th ings, events, results and such, but no one really listened until he said the magical words, house cup.

Sirius suddenly felt a fire burning in his wounds, he let out an involuntary whimper, which was quite but all his friends heard, they looked at him with worry.

"Sirius are you in pain?" Hannah asked uncharictaristically gently.

"A little." He admitted quietly.

"We shouldn't have brought you here, you're not up to it." Ollie fussed anxiously, sounding stressed.

"I'm okay, I can cope." Sirius replied. "Ollie, I'm okay."

"Let him breathe Ollie, he has a higher tolerance to pain then you." Jane rolled her eyes at her brother. Ollie went slightly pink with enbaressment.

"What happened?" Ernie asked the question they were all thinking.

"Same sort of thing happened to Ollie, he used to be very argumentative and that didn't bode well with dealing with Aro." Jane explained. Ollie looked down, sadness in his eyes, he looked upset. Sirius hugged him impusivly, Ollie smiled at him.

"It's okay." Sirius said. He hugged him back.

"Thanks Sirius."

Slytherin was announced as the winners of the house cup. The Gryffindor table booed, quickly quietened by Dumbledore. Sirius wasn't really that surprised, but then Gryffindor had been doing remarkably well until Harry, Hermione and Neville had lost a tremendous 50 points each.

But Dumbledore was not finished there, he proceeded to give Gryffindor points until they surpassed Slytherin. True, he did award Sirius 50 points for Hufflepuff, his reasoning being: for acts of bravery despite consequence.

Gryffindor won the house cup, but no one was really that surprised, it was like they had been expecting Dumbledore to do something. The banners on the walls changed from silver and green, to red and gold.

The food finally appeared.

"I'm starving!" Justin yelled and he dug in. His friends laighed and did the same, except for Sirius.

He wasn't hungry and his mind was racing with thoughts of the future, he wasn't sure whether he could do this, not anymore.

Ollie noticed him and suggested they go for a walk, they left the great hall unseen by all except their friends and Dumbledore.

"What's wrong?" Ollie asked gently, they sat in a corner of the castle, on the window sill of a window overlooking the lake.

"Ollie... I don't think I can do this." Sirius murmured.

"You can, well you don't really have a choice, but-" Ollie sighed, he obviously wasn't sure how to word his answer. "The truth is we can't do this without you."

"We're not even doing anything, I just what is this all for?" Sirius asked. Ollie sighed, he knew that the truth, the real truth he couldn't tell Sirius, he wouldn't understand, and Ollie couldn't risk it, he couldn't risk breaking him.

"It's our fate, it's our destiny." Ollie finally told him, Sirius shook his head.

"What if it doesn't have to be?" He asked, Ollie shook his head at once.

"No, no Sirius that's what gets you killed." Ollie told him frantically. " You can't, you can't escape this, none of us can."

"I can't do this Ollie, We're... I can't go against Harry." Sirius told him, Ollie sighed.

"I know it's hard-" he began, but Sirius cut him off.

"I won't side with anyone else over my brother." Sirius argued.

"Sirius, he'll kill you." Ollie said desperately.

"Then let him, because I can't do this Ollie, I can't." Ollie grabbed Sirius' shoulders, looking at him seriously.

"Sirius look at me." Ollie said, he seemed so conflicted. "You don't have a choice, either you do it, or he forced you, and he can do that."

"I won't let him." Sirius said.

"You won't have a choice." Ollie answered. "Do you understand what I'm saying? I'm trying to help you."

"Why can't we run away?"

"He'll find you, he'd find us, and He'll kill you."

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