Duncan gestured Gilan to rise. He smiled warmly. "You are David's son, aren't you?"

Gilan weakly smiled at his father's name. "Amongst other things, yes."

"He was a good man," Duncan continued. "I couldn't believe it when word of his death reached my ears. A man of so much talent gone suddenly and by brick toppling over him."

Gilan resisted the urge to protest. He nodded, jaw tightening. This was Duncan he was talking to. Prince Duncan, the true King of Araluen. He needed to remember his place. Gilan bowed one last time before turning to Crowley. "Wow."

Throwing his head back, Crowley laughed. He slapped Gilan's back, arm wrapping around his shoulder. He grinned. "Great. Now, we can talk about our plans."

"I assumed you already have one," Gilan said.

"And you assumed right."

Crowley called for everyone to gather around. Gilan smiled when Adri and Tommi came to stand next to him. He squeezed their shoulders comfortingly, having taken an instant liking to the two apprentices.

Crowley stepped onto a small rock. "So I was thinking last night," he said. "And I've come to the conclusion that we should split up. One group should go to Gorlan to figure out Mogarath's plans. The other would go to Redmont. I hear Baron Arald has a grudge against Morgarath, and we could use that to our advantage."

"Who are the groups?" Duncan asked.

"I figured Gilan should go to Redmont. He knows Arald, and could—"

"Well, hold on." Gilan crossed his arms. "I should be going to Gorlan."

Crowley turned to face Gilan, frowning. "I think a ranger would be better off sneaking around Morgarath than an inexperienced knight."

"Well, let's just say you were caught!" Gilan protested. "A ranger would be killed on the spot."

"We don't get caught," Crowley said. "It's not what we do."

"Let's say you do! I'd be much better off than you."

"He's right," Leander said. "Let him go." Murmur of agreement arose, and Crowley was outnumbered.

He sighed. "Fine. Have it your way. But at least bring someone."

Gilan shook his head. "The less people there are, the better. We don't want to draw too much attention."


The horses neighed, and the rangers turned in alarm. Crowley hopped down. It only took a few strides before he got to the edge of the clearing. He frowned, peering out.

"We should go," he quietly said. "Fergus will be looking for me."

Gilan nodded, mounting his stallion. He nodded at the rangers and Duncan. "I'll report to Redmont afterwards."

"Be careful," Crowley said. "Get in and out. If you aren't to Redmont in five days, I'm sending someone."

"You won't have to."

Crowley grinned. "We'll see. Knights are pretty clumsy."

"Until next we meet then?"

"Until next we meet." 


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