Everything Goes On

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One week later, they are very busy with their studies and other requirements but as they meet together they always share with each other that the event they’ve witnessed on the city have been playing on their sleep. It is really a hell of a nightmare that they’ve memorized the whole catastrophic events, on how the bullet penetrated on the man’s forehead while the other bullet penetrated into the woman’s heart that was holding her one-year-old baby. Blood gush out of the victim’s body while the baby been thrown out, fortunately the baby lands on the compiled garbage. It is horrifying to witness how an action movie’s gunning and death came in reality.
       In that so called police’s drug buy-bust operation, all of the suspected drug pushers were killed including the two parents who were dead on arrival leaving their one-year-old son an orphan. There is a phobia and no going back for them in that place because they’ve been frightened to the highest degree. Much more, they always watched in the news how those many extrajudicial killings became rampant and also claimed the very hot issue in the newspapers as well as in the social media. Tired of unimaginable news, they concentrated on their studies as well as for them to keep their mind busy so that they will not have to think of the country’s present situation. But then in one evening as they’re helping each other make their individual report, the group noticed how their usual happy moment turns into an ice cold and boring gathering. The chatterbox Lady Jane seems so sad, silent and makes a lot of daydreaming as if her world fell down. It is a very big wonder that their friend who talks a lot and laugh loudly tends to forget her daily radiating happiness and freshness. Thus, they make a plan to find out by suggesting to play “truth or dare” game and with a surprise their friend quickly agreed. Cinder then dash like a cheetah with her long legs to look for an empty plastic bottle which will serve as their game’s pointing arrow. She picked up the empty bottle on the dining table and rush back. They all squatted on the floor and Cinder holding the bottle starts to turn it. As if going with the flow, the bottle pointed at the direction of Lady Jane.
“Truth or Dare”, Myrr Vine quickly asked.
“Truth”, Lady Jane softly answered.
“Well, well prepare yourself because I will ask you a big hit question”, Cinder said as she tends to carefully think for a question.
“Okay, what is it?”, Lady Jane asked trying to be cocky and warmed up the situation.
“Here it is. Why are you very sad today and somewhat spacing out?” Cinder blurted while breathing savagely as if she jogged for a mile to get her question.
       The group all thumbs for the question and was very eager to hear the answer.

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