When Irony Speaks

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It’s really an irony and pity that even an educational institution emanates the unrecognition or disregard of the basic rights of student to good educational atmosphere, pleasant accommodation or professionalism, and a school free from abusive words or verbal attacks, and many others. Which at some point a ridicule to student’s right.
       They always cry and became weak whenever they are assaulted because it is as if their very soul takes off from their body leaving them in total brokenness. Sometimes as their angers and pains combine they plan to transfer to other school but as they think about their family and their living condition, their hopes vanish in just a split of a second. They have no choice but to become an obedient student hiding in their heart a fully grown retaliation as a result of many injustices and corrupt manipulations.
       On the fine Monday of December, while they are happily walking at the corridor of the college’s administration building, they’ve met the Dean and they flashed their sweet smile with their greetings of “Good morning sir”, but then they were shocked by the dean’s reply.
“I saw again the horrible face of the ghosts”, the dean’s in his usual devil-like aura gnarled at them. They stood still following the dean with their eyes, and with another shock they witnessed how the dean angrily snob one of the admin’s staff who also greets him. The white cheek of the admin’s staff turns red as she was very shamed because of that impulsive attitude of their higher boss. Still because he is her boss, she let it pass keeping her anger burns within.
       With their very bad experience or encounter with the dean on that day, they decided to make sure that they will never meet him again no matter what happen. Because in their extreme anger and trampled dignity, they may plan to murder the dean. But not even in their wildest dream that they will resort to such low action and stained their hands with blood. So lucky are the people that hurts and humiliates them because in every way they were a socially conscious humanitarian and violence is out of their life’s principle.
       In a like manner, the chance only given to them is to remain silent because even if they fight for their rights and reasoning, at the end they will become the poor one for those who have power can easily turn upside down the facts as well as manipulate and even become the law. Their education and future will only be compromised as student who fights for their rights are vulnerable to expulsion and even more of a consequence most especially that everything revolves on the political arena. And being a Social Science major, Divine Grace already knows that an alibi shadow’s silent is enough for now to survive the ailing state and tomorrow is the best day to fight for everything.

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