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School was over and I was itching to go home and shower. I wonder what Liyah is up to. It's been a week and a half since she came to school

"Jordan we got cheerleading practice today so don't wait up." Nicole said popping outta nowhere.

"Oh aight. Wait how ya'll gon get home?"

"Coach said she gon' drop us off so don't sweat it. Bye." Ameri said while pulling Nicole with her.

I walked out the school building to my car and drove outta that shit hole.

I stopped at a red light and my phone started ringing. I looked at at the screen and started panicking but I answered.

"H-hey Aisha."

"Hey. I wanted to hang out with you today so I was wondering if you are available?" Well shit.

"Uhm yeah sure. Where you at?" I put the phone on my cup holder and continued driving while talking to her.

"I'm at the trap. Pick me up from there."

"Aight cool. I'll be there in a few minutes. I ain't that far."

"Ok see you then." Then she hung up.

See the thing is I've always had a huge crush on Aisha. Ever since we were kids. Her giddy mood always seemed to put a smile on my face.

I got to the trap and honkedy horn since I was lazy to go outside. She came out wearing :

I got out and gave her a hug

"Well you look good." I complimented while opening her door and she mumbled a thank you while blushing.

"So where we headed?" I asked.

"I wanted to go to the movies or something, you down?"

"Sure why not." I got to the movies and pulled my key put the ignition and opened her door for her then we walked to the entrance.

"How auntie erykah doin'? I ain't seen her for years." I created small talk while walking.

"Nobody knows. She just disappeared and nobody could get in touch with her. The only person who could communicate with her was Liyah but she couldn't all of a sudden." She said.

"Oh... I just miss her. One of the best women who raised me. My mother ain't shit."

"I guess..."

After fighting with isha i payed for the tickets and snacks then we walked in. There wasn't a lot of people so we were far from them.


After the movie we went for a drive around town.

"Sooo you got a special someone yet?" She asked once we stopped at a hill away from everything. It was almost sunset.

"Nah. Everyone I tried to get with if freaked out by my condition. I mean its not like I can help it." I said pulling out a blunt, lit it up and smoked.

"Well thats tough. Every guy I get with is either trying to fuck or they think I'm too much of a 'hard chick' so I all together stopped dating." She said taking the blunt from me and smoking.

"I think you got a good personality." I said looking at her eyes. Those eyes.

"I think you have an amazing personality too. Any girl could be lucky to have you."

But i want you.

"Wait what?"

"I said that out loud? Look it just- slipped out." I hate my life.

"Would it be safe if I said I wanted you too?" She said turning to face me fully.

We stared at each other for a while until i said fuck it and kissed her. I was surprised that she kissed be with the same energy as mine. Like she's been waiting for this all her life.

This is really happening



So Malak dropped me off at home after hanging out at his place and went to the trap. Nicole and Ameri had cheerleading practice so I was home alone.

As soon as I stepped inside the house I got this really weird feeling that something is awfully wrong.

I cautiously walked up the stairs and into my room. Maybe I'm too paranoid but something isn't feeling right. I shook it off and undressed and went to take a shower.

I put on some music on my Bluetooth speaker and enjoyed the shower. After I got done i heard something fall in my room. Now my ass black so I ain't about to get snuck up on like I'm in some horror film. I grabbed a knife from the cabinet in my bathroom and walked out to my closet. I picked out a pair of tracks and underwear and put them on my bed. I lotioned up and put my clothes on.

I went to my mirror to brush my hair but something caught my eye on the reflection of my mirror. I saw a dark figure behind but when I turned around there was no one.

I quickly reached for my phone and dialed Malak's number to facetime him but it was knocked out of my hands.



I got to the trap to chill with Davion and them and we smoked so weed.

Aisha and Jordan came back from where ever they were and joined us.

We were talking but cut off when my phone rang.It was a facetime.  I looked at the caller ID and it was Liyah so I quickly answered only for the phone to look like it was thrown from across the room followed by screaming.

"If you cooperate, I won't have to hurt you too bad."  Who tf?

"I ain't finna cooperate for shit- let me go nigga."

"The fuck is going on there liyah. You ok?"

"Malak please help me."


Then it was silent. I know this nigga didn't put his hands on my baby. I know he didn't.

"Aliyah baby come on answer me you ok?" I caught the attention of the others when I started pacing around the room.

Suddenly the phone was picked up and the call was hung up.

"Ya'll Liyah is in trouble." I said turning around to faces the other's expecting faces

Dun Dun Dunnnn

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