"Jazz, she be ok. It only last a few minutes, and then she ok. Every time, she fine."

I handed the baby back to Remmey and then sat on the bed on the other side of my sister.

Remmey rested his hand on Claire's forehead for a few seconds. Then he stood up and left with the baby.

A few minutes later, he came back in without the baby, to check on Claire. She was still staring at nothing. He wiped a cold washrag across her forehead and studied her face. Then he studied mine.

"Your sister ok, Jazz. She do this sometimes." He looked down at Claire. "I took her to the doctor. They say she have seizures. Just let 'em pass." He looked back at me. "You ok?" I nodded, clearly still traumatized...by too many things. "Who did that to you?"

"My Papa," I whispered. "And my Mother."

Remmey's face didn't change. "You want to stay here?"

I dropped my eyes. "Yes."

"Don't look down," Remmey said softly. I looked back up at him. "You can stay."

I nodded. "Thank you."

He nodded back. "What Claire was doin' to you in there?"

"Pouring saltwater in my gashes so they heal faster. And don't leave marks..."

Remmey frowned.

"What he use to hurt you like that?"

"A belt buckle."

Remmey's frown deepened.

Eventually, Claire's eyes came back into focus. She scanned the room before resting her eyes on Remmey. Then she grinned at him. "I did it again?" He gave her a gentle smile and nodded. She looked over at me. "You ok, Jazz?"

I nodded and watched Remmey for a cue of what to do next. His smile widened when he realized why I was watching him. My cheeks started to burn as soon as he smiled at me. Remmey looked back at Claire and patted her hand.

"The baby sleep in my room," he stood up. "I go get her."

I watched him leave and then laid down next to my sister. We turned onto our sides and looked into each other's eyes like we used to do at home.

"You like it here?" Claire smiled and nodded. I nodded, too, and whispered "He take care of you like Papa."

Clair nodded. "Better than Papa. He never beats me or yells at me. He don't call me any of those awful names. Christian's brother was like his brother. They brothers. Now he gone, so Remmey take care of Christian like he his little brother. And he treats me like I'm his little brother's girl. Like I'm family. He treat Sammy like she Christian's, too. Because she is. We both belong to Christian." Her eyes got weepy at the thought of him. "Remmey loves us, Jazz. He really loves us. He don't let nobody hurt me, be mean to me. Nuthin'. All because we Christian's..."

I looked into my sister's eyes and felt sorry for her. All those beatings from Papa. So many horrible words thrown at her by Mother. All the girls in the neighborhood were mean to her. All the boys harassed her. All the time. And even some of the men when no one was looking. I knew it was true, because she told me. She tried to hide it from everyone else, but she told me. And she probably told Christian, too.

If it wasn't for Christian, she wouldn't have been able to take it.

I wondered if she was doing ok without him.

Jazz: Vol 3 of the Still Waters SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now