1.26|| Don't want to leave

Start from the beginning

"this has been so crazy i feel like i just walked into that audition room." a tear fell from her eye

"i love you" he kissed her forehead and she nuzzled herself into his arms staying like that until they had to shoot their last scene.

The last scene was for episode 6. It was everyone in the basement. Tim decided that it would be great to end the show with everyone in the same room.

Jess walked into her trailer changing into her episode 6 outfit. She walked into makeup and apologized about her messy face but they didn't care. After they finished putting light makeup on her and curling her hair she walked to set.

"hey" josh ran up next to her

"hi" she looked at him and smiled

"can i talk to you?" jess stopped in her tracks scared of what he was about to say

"you can calm down i'm not doing anything bad." she let out a breath

"i would have punched you."

"i was going ask you if it's ok if we still keep out relationship secret to the fans still like i don't want it to go overboard and you and i overwhelm with hate."

"josh im still not ready to announce it so i think it's a good idea if we keep it secret. Although i told ciara and sophie a few weeks back and i think they passed out or something. I ended up paying sophie twenty bucks."

"what why" they continued walking

"the day we went to go get pizza last year she said that i would end up falling for you or something. And hello i have a handsome boyfriend now and lost twenty bucks, but she switched up the last minute and i had to pay her even when she didn't say that."

"I feel hurt that you prefer twenty bucks over me." he put a hand to his heart

Jess pushes him a little with her shoulder and he interlocked their fingers walking into the set of Big Red house. This was the moment they every one didn't want to come to even though it had to happen.

The cameras started rolling and everyone got into character but you could still tell around the room everyone wanted to bust into tears.

"F-family" jess struggled to say as her eyes were tearing up

Josh looked around at everyone before continuing his lines.

"What team?"

"wildcats," everyone said softly

"ok wildcats then what are we doing about it?" julia said the last line

"and that's a wrap on high school musical the musical the series season 1!" all the directors and everyone behind the cameras screamed

Jess ran to Sofia and embraced her into a huge hug. Everyone soon made a huge group hug with everyone. Tears and sad laughing went around the room.

It took them a while to step away and make it back to their trailers. Jess still doesn't feel like it's hit her yet that it's over. She stuffed all her crap that was in her trailer into her bag and looked at it one more time before closing the door and walking to josh's trailer. He was slowly packing everything. Jess dropped all her bags on the floor and walked over to him. He turned to her and let her fall in his arms.

"shhh i got you," he whispered to her stroking her hair

"i don't want to leave. I don't want to leave you." she looked up at him and he moved his hands to cup her face

"hey, you're not going to leave me. We have to go on the press tour and you and I have to do a few alone press stops." he wiped a tear off her face

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