ϯϖεʆѵε 12: ɾσɓψη

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I woke up feeling kinda tired and sick. Just now knowing that am pregnant.

Am happy and all, but I had something else planned like getting married and having a business then having kids.

But god decided to let us have a child together. I stayed in bed grabbing onto Tristan.

I wanted him to wake up so he can feed me, I shook him, slapping him and even kissing his whole face. All those attempts he didn't wake up.

I started to cry. I felt a hand wipe some tears. "Bae why u crying?" He asked sitting up.

"Your not waking up" I pouted and sounded like a 5 year old but I didn't care. He shook his head and chuckled, "ight imma cook then" he got out and went to the bathroom first.

I walked grumpily to the bathroom. As I grab my toothbrush, Tristan looked at me like I was out of my mind. I mugged him.

"Bruh, tf wrong which you" He said. I shrugged bc I wasn't in the mood. This baby making me grumpy as hell.

I was done and went back in bed. I would take longer than Tristan but I was to sick to do anything.

Tristan ignore the fact I was in bed and went downstairs to cook.

15 minutes later

I was half asleep, but I smelt bacon and blueberry pancakes.

I rushed downstairs and went behind Tristan back and hugged his waist.

"Is the food done now?" I said happily. "Yea why u so happy all of the sudden?" He asked.

"Bc I just love you and food" I said grabbing a plate smiling hard as ever.

"Aw your so damn adorable" he said. I felt a good feeling inside. I ate with Tristan and talked about things.

We took a shower after we ate and watched a couple of movies like, the hate you give, obsessed and Us.

It hit 4 o'clock and we was just chilling. Rhianna just text me. I almost forgot to tell her my pregnancy.

Anna ❤️❤️💁🏾‍♀️🤪🤔🦄

Anna:hey girl

Me:hey sorry for not texting u back it's been inna min🙁

Anna:it's all fine🙂 But what's you been up to?

Me:you know life and all

Anna:tell me



Me:am pregnant

Anna:omg am fuckin screamin!!!😆

Me:u excited too?


Anna:we need to plan a gender reveal and shit..let's meet up at my place


I hopped off line. "Tristan am going to see my friend Anna" I said getting my keys (in chapter 10 I didn't say Tristan gotten Robyn car, so let's say he did already)

He nodded and I walked out and drove over to Anna apartment.

Once I walked up to her door. I knocked twice and, seconds later Anna opened with a big smile.

"Heyy bestie" she hugged me.

"Heyy" I reply.

"Am so freaking excited for you!" She says


"When did you find out?"

"Well today"

"That's exciting, but when we will do the baby shower or even gender reveal"

"Maybe when am showing" I rubbed my stomach like I was really pregnant.

"Aww ur going to be a good mommy" Anna says cheesing.

"Aww thanks what about you are u going to have children"

She blew out a breath, "woo chile, I don't want any kids anytime soon"

"Oh okay"

"Anyway..I gotta a man Now"


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