Chapter 2: But Not

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The bell rang as someone opened the door to the bakery. The bakery just opened 10 minutes ago, so its 7 in the morning. The only people there is Hosuh's dad jack, his sister in law Mary, and himself. Jack was in the kitchen, leaving Hosuh at the counter and Mary putting new flowers in the vases on each table. Hosuh turned to great the costumer, but then was lost for words.

"Hey!" As soon as Stephen said that, Hosuh went to Stephen and hugged him. "Oh my god, its so good to see you!" Mary then came over to see Stephen as well. He wasn't use to him coming in at this time, or even today it was a nice surprise. They then parted. "Why are you here? You only come after three weeks." He looked at Stephen curiously. Before he can ask what he was caring, he got an answer. "Well, I heard you and your folks are having a little party so I brought some stuff."
He then handed Mary a basket of eggs, put down a bucket of milk, and also a bag of flower. This was amazing! "Wow! Stephen, this is amazing!" Mary then put down the eggs next to the bucket of milk on the table. "Oh, but we can't a-"

"its on me." Stephen cut Mary off, he wasn't looking for money today. Hosuh then huge him one more time. It was a quick hug though. They then sat down to talk. "So, how's the farm?" He asked as Stephen pulled up a chair, spun it around, and sat. "Eeehhh. Every day it gets me more tired. But it still helps me and my dad." Hosuh then gave him a confused look. "And your mom?"

Before an answer was given, someone came in as well. "Hey Hosuh, I need the dozen muf-" they looked to see it was Daniel, and when he saw them he stopped what he was saying. "Hey, Stephen!" Stephen got up, and walk to Daniel, which was already walking to him. He pulled him in for a quick hug, parted, and they shacked hands. "Long time no see man."

I'd say the same. What you doing here, and so early too?" They both went back to then table, Daniel pulling up the chair, and Stephen taking his original position. "Well, came to drop stuff off, and say hi to some good friends. Sorry to miss your birthday Dan. August 6, right?"

"Yeah, 16 now!" he said looking proud. "I also finished homeschooling, so you'll be seeing a lot of me now." Hosuh and Stephen were both happy to hear that. They spend a long while talking, and caching up."Stephen, you should really let me cut your hair!"

"Not letting you near my head with scissors." He responded, getting a laugh out of Daniel. "No, but I can really see you in a Mohawk or something!" ever since they turn 13, he really wondered about that Mohawk look for his friend. "okay, you want to grow your hair out, but cut mines? I think its good as is. Well- for know!" he had a small laugh to his own response.

"Oh! That reminds me, Hosuh's family is having a little party and I'm going."

"How did us talking about hair made that click in your head?" he question him. "But you should go! It would be nice to have fun together aging!" After saying that Hosuh looked at his purple haired friend with joy in his eye. "Yeah! That would be great!" they where both looking at him expecting a 'Yeah, sure' from Stephen... but not.

"Agh! I cant, I'm so sorry. I have other things to attend to. If I could I really would." Hosuh's joyed look turned to disappointment slightly, but not to where they can see it. Well, that's what he thought. Dan did see it. "Why? This seems important to Hosuh. What do you need to 'attend' to anyways" Stephen looked at Hosuh, seeing he didn't wanted a fight to break out. So he stayed calm to answer. "Well for starters, I need to fix the left side of the fence, sell meat to the market, fix the chicken coop, chop wood-"

"summer just ended"

"I need to get ready for fall and winter, help my dad, cause his friend will sell him a new calf tonight, and-" Stephen looked to the side. He stayed quiet for a moment... but that moment was quick. "Other things." They both looked at him confused. Daniel wanted to ask, but felt best not to. As for Hosuh... he felt different.  "What... other things?" Stephen stayed silent he then looked up at them. "If I say... don't get all... stupid and stuff on me."

"Stephen, if its serious to you, then it will be to us." Dan responded putting a hand on his shoulder. He looked to Dan, then to Hosuh. He say they wanted to help. He didn't needed there help. But he wanted to say something to them. He exhaled. "the other thing I need to do.... I need to lay my mom to rest." When he said that, they tried to not gasp. There eyes did grow wide in surprise.

 When he said that, he got a pit in his stomach. He felt something as he said that. He felt mad but also confused. "She was just alive..." he said with a shaky voice. His voice grew louder "She was breathing 2 days ago! She was sick- BUT ALIVE!!" Hosuh got up fast to hug Stephen, and Stephen hugged him back fast. "I found her! She was on her bed still! She was gone! She wasn't breathing or moving! SHE WAS SMILING!!! DEAD, BUT SMILING"

Daniel came to hug him as well. A tear started to run down his cheek. "She... she was smiling... the last time I saw her... was with a smile on her face." He said his voice know quiet... him trying to hide his tears, and he did. He wiped his one tear on his cheek as they parted.

There was a moment of silence. When they where younger, they remember how close Stephen was to his mother. They never really know her, but they remember the person she is-... was and they want to help. Some how, is some way! "Stephen... where so sorry..."

Stephen looked at Daniel, with a small smile. "Thanks, but it wasn't your fault. You don't need to apologize. Me and my dad are going to a grave sight tonight after we get that new calf." Hosuh  looked at him in sympathy. "if you want our help, just let us know... okay?" Stephen nodded his head in response. The silent moment came again all to fast. Hosuh didn't want to be the one to ask the question. "Are you going to plan the funeral?" He said looking down, regretting that question as soon as he said it. Daniel looked at Stephen for his answer. "Just me and my dad. She wanted a small thing with only family."

"But what about her two brothers? Are they coming into town to attend?" Stephen exhaled at Dan's question. "They only come twice a year, and when they do they beg for some money. And my mother's kind heart gives it to there sorry asses." Daniel looked down, seeing the answer was 'there not going to the funeral'.  Hosuh pat him on the back. He looked up at Stephen. "Look, if you need anything, just tell us. Were your friends."

"I just need you to not stop anything cause of me. Its just a small hiccup in life, death."

Daniel looked at Stephen. "I'm sorry if I kinda forced it out of you." Stephen looked up at him fast as soon as he said that. "What? Man, its a good thing you asked. You two Hosuh. I was going to tell you anyway, but-... I didn't want us to see each other for bad reasons."

They continued to talk for about 2 hours. The conversation slowly drifted off that topic, and when to lighter stuff. They talked about plans. Plans for the future. Plans like to be a writer, or finally get a good education, and wanting to take a career of drawing. After, Stephen had to go back to the farm, Dan went back home, buying a dozen muffins like he originally planed too, and Hosuh when back to work. The shop did closed early to prepare the party, and food.


Hey! I finally made another chapter, and it IS important know this stuff to set this thing up.

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