Chapter 4: Undetermined.

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Its been 4 days since Daniel had that... talk with his dad. He knew that it was only a matter of time before he has to leave for who knows how long! Just 3... 3 days left. He knew he could only do so much now. And he can't do anything, except one. All he can do is tell his friends. Exactly why he's at Hosuh's family bakery. Telling him why he didn't go, and the conversation he had with his father, trying to not leave out anything.

"So... he said a week from then, huh?" Dan nod in response. "That means only 3 days from now. What do I do?" he asked looking at Hosuh for some advice,- any advice! "I-... I can tell you anything... I'm sorry Dan." he sighed in defeat. He knew he didn't wanted to bother Housuh any longer about his problems. He tried to think of something quick. "So, your brothers taking over the place know, right?" as soon as Daniel said that, he looked down. This lead Dan to believe he said something wrong.

"...Am I wrong?"

Housuh looked up at him after he asked that. "I'm afraid so. It's that... my brother and his newly wed are moving out, so..." Dan connected the dots, and responded. "Your taking over the place." he nod yes, showing a weak smile. But Dan didn't catch on. "You must be happy!"

"Im not!" He shouted back. Silence then fell after that. He looked around seeing only one customer looking at them. He smiled, then looked at Dan again. "I'm not exactly thrilled." he whispered to him, not to let anyone know. He looked at him with a confused expression, but slowly understand. He remembers when they where younger, he would talk about having a career in art.

"Well, you can always tell them how you feel about this arragment." He suggested. Hosuh shook his head. "It's not that simple... I don't want to let my family down." He said, while looking away. "Look, if thier you family, they would understand your dream." He said. Hosuh then looked at him after a moment of silence. "Did your father understood you...?" He asked, already knowing what happened. Dan looked like he was about to say something, then stopped. "... No." Hosuh the snapped out of his sad state. "Look, we both new this would happen. We would have to get work. Stephen was right... Dreams are only false hope for us till we see reality."

"Don't say that buddy." Dan said, responding to Hosuhs clame. "We shouldn't give up." Hosuh stood up. "Look Daniel. I wanna believe you. But there is actually no getting out of this one. When we were kids, sure.... But things are different." He stated. Dan then stood up as well. "What do I do about this then!?"
"Look, like i said before, nothing to change this. But reading might be able to get your mind off of it for a while. I only wish the best for you friend." He said before turning. But Dan grabed his sholder. "Please don't give up on me- on us." Hosuh then turn to face him. "I really don't want to. I'll write to you when you get there." He then made his way to the back to work. That, leaving Dan not feeling any better.

He left the shop, and started to walk home. "Why this? It isn't far at all... These- these are not just childish dreams, they are goals we want to reach in life. At least Stephen is better off. He's finally going to school. Agh! I have to find a way out of this. I already beged my father, and that didn't work...."

He reached his home. He when inside, seeing his father was at work, and his mother was cooking. He didn't wanted to talk to her about it. When he did, she would just tell him to grow into a man already. So he decided to just go to his bed room. He walking, and as he say his book shelf, he remembered his friends suggestion. He sighed before walking over there to look. When he went to grab a book, the old shelf did shake, causing something to fall on the very top of the shelf. It hit is head before he could react.


He looked down to see what fell on him. It was a dusty home made looking book. He went to the grond to further inspect it. He dusted it off. It looks to be as if it was up there for a long while... He read the cover. "Arjun Lim's journey"  
"Wait, that my great great great grampas name..."
He thought as he took the book, and sat on his bed. He opened the book, and a peice of paper fell out. It  was a picture of a town, but not the one Daniel lives in. This town read It read somniabunt. This already caught his eye. He placed the papper down, and then started to read this book.

Time pasted fast as he read what his elder wrote down. It might as well been an autobiography. This- This was it! It was about Arjun when he was Dans age. He ran away too! He wanted to write too! This book was actually about the journey he went to to try and make it to somniabunt. But it ended with him meeting someone in this town. And apparently he just started his hospital here. It ended in a sad way in Dans eyes. He didn't accomplished his dream....
But he did give Dan an idea.

He started to back is stuff in a bag, and placed it down on his bed. If he was really going to do this, he needed to do it with someone else. His friends. As soon as he was done, he rushed out of the house, and ran to Hosuhs. He needed to tell them before his father came home anyway.

It seemed to be only a few minutes before he rushed into the shop. The bell on top of the door rang, Hosuh turned the corner to greet a costumer, but instead sees Daniel there, catching his breath. He when to the back, and came back with some water. He went ovet to offer it to him, but didn't had to say anything as Dan already took it, and drank it. As he was done, he handed the empty glass to Hosuh. He tooks some breaths before thanking him. "Your welcome. But Daniel, what are you doing?" He asked. Dan then responded. "Look, I have an idea- are you free to talk?" he asked very quickly, but he understood what he said. "Well, I should be closing for the day".

"Alright, I'll wait." Dan said as he walk to a seat. A while later, Hosuh joind him. He took a seat as well. "What is it this time...?" He asked, not nowing what to expect for him now. "I have a plan" He whispered. Hosuh didn't think he heard him right. "A plan...? For our problems." He said, astonished. Dan then pulled out the somniabunt picture. He gave it to Hosuh to look over. "There is no way on this earth we will be allowed to go here Dan." Hosuh said, surprised that Dan didn't see that part. But what he said next made him even more surprised. "We don't tell them... This is us running away."

At the moment running away, Hosuh go a bad feeling. "You want ot what?!" He whispered shout. "Look, we pack up, and make our way to somniabunt! We can finally do what we want there!" He said with excitement. "You can't be serious." Hosuh said while laughing nervously. Dan then looked at him straight in the eyes in responce. Hosuh the realized. "Holy shoot, you'r serious." He said a bit shocked. "It's perficed for us both." He said. Hosuh gave back the paper. "I-.... what about my family?" He asked. "Look, ones getting married, and your father retired, and your mother designs carpet. They are all fine. This is something you can and want to do!" Dan answerd. Hosuh new that he was far from being wrong.... And he kne w he anted to be an artist more then anything

"I- I'll go." He said, making Dan surprised an happy at the same time. "Because of my dream, and The last thing I want is for you to be alone." He clarified. Dan stood up. "Alright. i think we should convince Stephen." He said. Hosuh got up as well. "I do agree. Running away is scary. We shouldn't leave him by himself." He responded.

"This is the last time our fate will be undetermined."     

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2020 ⏰

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