Chapter Twenty-Two

Start from the beginning

'Emotional?' Jimin repeated the word in his head. "Sure, let's hurry on in and greet Seokjin." He said with a hint of uncertainty, his eyes looking back over to see Jeongguk looking down at his feet.

"Of course." The mafia leader replied.

     The ding brought them back to reality, the elevator doors sliding wide open to let them out.

Jeongguk was first to leave, following the same path he took way back then when he first got ahold of Taehyung. He saw the big black corridors, moving his balled fist up.

He gave a knock, a heavy one.

Jimin kept side notes on Jeongguk's demeanor, noting how he had mentioned being emotional, how he mentioned he was nervous. He couldn't help but to see how anxious he was and how he wasted little time.

"Go away." They heard call from within the doors, making the two share a look.

Jeongguk knocked again, this time it was harder and a bit more impatient.

Seokjin, clearly by the tone of the voice, let out a groan. "Don't you fucking listen?! I said go away!" He screamed, moments later an object being thrown at the door.

The raven-haired mafia leader let out a blow of air out his nose, a sense of chuckling and humor by it. He moved his hand to the door, pushing the door open.

"Seokjin, is that any way to greet a guest? Someone doesn't have any manners." He snickered, Jimin following with no emotion on his face.

The elder of the bunch looked like he dreaded the idea of Jeongguk being here. He rubbed his eyes aggressively, assuming he was now hallucinating from his lack of sleep.

The mafia leader covered his face, snickering behind his hands before he flashed his face to the elder. "Peek-a-boo! I'm still here, gorgeous! Going nowhere!" He let out his teasing vowels, prancing his way closer to the step-brother of Mr. Kim.

The scary, young adult pressed his palms firmly against the desk and leaned close, his nose just barely brushing against the tip of Seokjin's. "Missed me? I'll try to visit more often but only for you, dear. I know how lonely you can get with your brother gone and your own father not giving two fucks." He said in an incredibly low tone.

Seokjin didn't break the eye contact, keeping the glare up with Jeongguk. "What do you want? What more could you possibly take from me? You already have my fucking will to live." Seokjin pushes right out of his seat, standing at Jeongguk's height. "What's piqued your interest now? Want my shoelace?"

Jimin frowned internally, walking forth to stand by Jeongguk's side. He heard the aforementioned let out a small chuckled, seeing the smirk just grow and grow on his face.

"Someone isn't eager to see me, bummer, truly." Jeongguk huffed, standing straight up and crossing his arms over his shoulders. "I honestly just wanted to see your face; your state of mind. Utterly disgusting."

"Gee, thanks, kid. It's not like I lost my brother, my job, my money, my family, or any of that, right? Not like I was there to watch him get ripped from my fucking arms. Not like I had to hear him cry. It's not like I'll never see him ever again." Seokjin yelled, slamming his fist into the wooden desk. "It's not like I lost everything I had!" He shouted, gripping Jeongguk's collar.

Jimin quickly intervened, grabbing Seokjin's wrists. "Let go, Jin, I wouldn't test your limits like that."

"Don't worry, Jimin, I would be upset, too. Seokjin has every right to be upset. His brother is basically a prostitute in the mafia now. Being sold around for his looks and body." Jeongguk seethed.

It wasn't even a second later before Seokjin's hand met with the side of Jeongguk's face. He let go of him, jumping over the desk and kicking him in his groin.

He watched the mafia leader curl up, bending forward to grab his aching balls. Seokjin wasn't done.

He kicked his knee, making Jeongguk fall backwards.

The mafia leader's partner in crime rushed over and grabbed Seokjin's, holding him from behind. "Stop! Are you stupid?!" Jimin didn't want Seokjin to die but shit like that was dancing with the Grim Reaper.

"I don't care if he fucking kills me! I'm practically dead already! Damn near rotting! I have no one! I don't care what happens to me!" Seokjin threw his elbow back right into Jimin's cheek, pulling out of his hold. "If you came here to fuck with me, congrats." The elder spat, walking over Jeongguk's body which laid on the floor in agony.

He could call the cops but he would have no time before the two would flee the scene. He also would only put his brother in harm's way as well as his own. It wasn't worth it if the two would just get away regardless.

"Stop bothering me." Seokjin told them and left his own office room, the two recovering from what happened.

Jeongguk could've easily fought back but he decided not to. He decided to let Seokjin hit him.

He wanted Seokjin to hit him.

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