Josh: What did you do to my Mum?

Nico: Oh, I didn't touch here. During the battle she tried to hide you. A vulture grabbed you and she didn't survive but you did.

Josh: So, your telling me, that I created a movement that my parents created with the same name without knowing it?

Nico: Yes, you did Joshua

Josh: Don't call me that. And I don't believe you, I'm not that naïve anymore, you can't trick me!

Nico: Are you sure about that? I think you believe what I just tolled you.

Josh: No, it's just one of your sick games. I'm going, Tyler I wait for you upstairs

Tyler: okay

Josh stomps away. I didn't see him this mad, but after all Nico said I understand him.

Nico: We are finally alone

Jason growled, telling Nico I'm not alone.

Tyler: Is it true?

Nico: I don't tell lies

Tyler: Why black hands? What does it mean?

Nico: Your nightmares? Your demons are calling you.

Tyler: I mean I never do something good when my hand gets black, I stabbed my best friend, twice.

Nico: Those are nightmares, bad dreams, not reality. You remember Blurry?

Tyler: Yes, why?

Nico: You where always together, you escaped together but remember when Blurry came back?

Tyler: Yes

Nico: So, Blurry has black on his hands and neck. He is a personification of your insecurities, and you though it was a real person.

Tyler: Yes, and he looks like me and has devilish red eyes but that's in my nightmare, the one I always do.

Nico: It isn't just a nightmare, it's a memory.

Tyler: It can't be, I didn't know Josh at that time he couldn't have followed me. You're lying.

Nico: It wasn't Josh, he was in his room.

Tyler: It was a Bandito and he knew me, the only Bandito I know is Josh.

Nico: Your father was a Bandito

Tyler: My dad?

Nico: He wanted to take you out but you where just fighting against Blurry and didn't let him. Blurry then used you and you killed your father.

The whole world crashed on my shoulders; I can't believe it. I killed my father. How?

I can't believe he's just lying, playing with my memories. It can't be true! Tears stat to make their way but I just blink them away.

Tyler: No, that's not true

I tried to steady my shaky voice

Tyler: I didn't kill him you did, blurry did.

Nico: No Tyler, I killed almost all of the Banditos that night. You killed your father. You never end your Nightmare, do you? You always wake up at the same spot every time, that's when blurry took over and killed your father. Blurry is you, you killed him. You always had trouble to distinguish nightmares and reality, and one day your nightmares will become reality.

Tyler: I... I have to go now

I run out to the hallway and run as fast as I can. I need air. It feels like the walls are coming near. This hallway is endless!

I reach the stairs and climb them two at a time.

It's not real. I'm just imagine it. But what if not? What of he's right? What if... if I really killed him? I'm bursting through the door with a gasp.

Finally, air!

I shove someone, but don't care. I walk until I stop in the middle of the street when my knees give up and I just fall on the ground gasping for air.

Why did I have to kill him? I though it was a dream!

Josh: Tyler? Tyler look at me. It's going to be alright okay. Just... breath. Okay breath in and out. You can do this.

After a few minutes I finally start to calm down a bit.

Josh: I shouldn't have let you be alone with him.

Tyler: No... it's not your fault.

Josh: Alright, I think we should start heading back to the camp before it's to dark okay?

Tyler: Yeah

We stand up, and made our way back to the camp, with Jason who didn't left my side at all.

Trench II-// English versionWhere stories live. Discover now