Chapter 13

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I put everything in my bag and put it next to my bed.

- Goodnight

- Goodnight

I lay in bed and cover myself with a thin blanket, I had to let my jacket on because it was a freezing night.

I can't sleep, I knew it. Who could if you just discovered? Was it really me on that picture? I let a few thoughts swirl around my mind before I finally fell asleep.

I woke up in an empty pool. I sat up and watched where I was. The latter was to high, I couldn't reach it. I heard footsteps.

- Hello!? Is there anybody?!

No one answered. I stood up and waited. The footsteps where becoming louder with every second. Then I saw a cheetah. He was beautiful, he was like on the picture but a bit bigger. He was next to the latter, but not in the pool, like me. A loud sound came behind me. It was like a metal piece juste fell on the pool ground. I turned around. Before I had the time to analyse my situation, blue water flood toward me and pushed me to the ground. I couldn't breath and with the time I knew it wasn't water but chlorine that suffocated me. I lost orientation. I swirled a few times around myself in the chlorine. I couldn't find the surface. Before I drowned the chlorine brought me, throwed me on a hot beach. I tried to catch my breath. When all the chlorine exited my body, I stood up. With an immense migraine, I made my way to a grey facility on a hill. I was nearly there when I suddenly stopped. I saw torches next to the walls of the facility. I got scared and hid behind a tree. They looked like Banditos. They put a crib next to the doors and put a little animal on it. When they returned the way they came, I decided to approach the crib. There was a kid with a cheetah and a blade, like on the picture. Then the doors open, and a bishop took the crib, he didn't saw me. Someone pushed me, it was the pet cheetah. He started to head to the horizon, it was like he was waiting for me, so I followed him. We arrived in a city, more like ruins. We walked through the main street; it was deserted. He stops and so did I. Someone walked towards us, he was a few feet away from us and I realised it was Josh.

- Josh?

- Yes

- What are you doing here?

- Revanche

- Wha-

In a blink of an eye a knife was in me. I had trouble holding balance. I looked shocked at Josh then at the knife. I was horrified of what just happened.

- Revanche on what you did to me

I couldn't breath. I felt how my body lost to much blood. I lost balance and fell on my back, but I never landed on the ground. The ground opened and I fell in nothingness. I suffocated and felt weak, so, I just closed my eyes and waited death.

I wake up screaming and gasp for air. Josh is next to my bed and I watch his every move horrified. I see he's worried but I can't help it; He tries to approach me but I back away. He's near and I can't escape. Then I see the blade next to him. I rush to the side and get the blade. Josh don't see it and tries to come near me again, so I stabbed him. Again. I watch my acts with horror

- Tyler?

- I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, sorry, sorry...

Josh falls on the back

I wacke up crying.

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