Chapter 3

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I woke up to a painful migraine. I was in my boring room with my grey clothes. It was boring. I could I thought that this life in this room or with those colors could be a good life? I was happy outside. What if Nico didn't find me. What if I was supposed to be outside in those trenches? Was it just a dream? Where is my jacket? I know what happened exactly. I remembered Nico taking me back, but I wasn't sure if it was just a dream. I always remembered my dreams. I didn't dream, it can't be. I never dreamed of something happy and beautiful I had nightmares, horrible nightmares. I tried sitting up. It worked but I had a nauseous feeling. I let my feet touch the cold cement and tried to stand up. It worked at first, but everything turned to a blur and I sat again on my bed.

It was a mess; my room was a mess. I knew Nico would try to find something that brought me up to do this. I put my hand in my pockets and felt something, something soft. It was my flower. It was not a dream. My clock said it was 7am and it was again time for the morning ritual. I should be going, that's what they want, that's what Nico wants. I don't want to. I sat on the edge of my window and watched how the citizens all gathered in front of the immense room. They al followed the bishops, I couldn't. Everything hurt and I couldn't focus on something properly so why should I go? I leaned my head on the cool window frame and took a deep breath (what a mistake, everything hurt, and the throbbing throat didn't do anything good). My thoughts where interrupted when someone nocked on my door, it didn't last long until it busted open and reviled Nico. I got down from my window and closed it. As I stepped away from the window and turned to be an inch away from Nico. I gasped as he grabbed my arm and led me outside my room. We got out of my room and entered the ritual room. The citizen where all seated where they should be. Nico throws me on my chair and continues the ceremony with the other bishops. They did their ritual of lights; I didn't pay attention. I turned my gaze to my hand who wherein this moment more interesting then what was done in the front. Then Nico talked about someone who tried to escape. I snapped my head towards him, and I could suddenly concentred. He told the citizen that someone escape and that they shouldn't worry about because the escapee is back safe and sound. They where shaken by that news. I knew they asked themselves why would someone want to escape? As they started whispering with each other and making me more uncomfortable then I already was, Nico then told them it was me and that I barely, Nico then told them it was me, that I barely survived and that I was traumatized by that experience and I didn't get punishment because I learned how awful the outside world was. I couldn't believe what he just told them. I wanted to scream in his face that he's a murderer a liar and more, but I was scared, scared of him and the punishment. So, I just stood up and got out of the ritual room. I think I did a pretty good job at making a scene, I stomp out of this room, my blood boiling, wanting to destroy everything.

I was back in my room and thought like always this time a bit too much. I sat as always on the window. I watched how the clouds danced in the wind, the sunset and then the stars. I wondered how many they where, if they felt lonely like me? I though about leaving this place again what would happen? Or leaving this place for good? As those thought came even darker, I stepped away from my window wanting to sleep, but a little light caught my attention. It came from the little forest inside the city and started to grow. I soon realised it wasn't light, it was fire. My treehouse was on fire.

Trench II-// English versionWhere stories live. Discover now