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AN: I'm so sorry it took this long for an update, I have this nasty habit of forgetting about my old projects. Idk how many of you are still going to read this, but if you are still interested I am back with this update and some idea of where I'm going with this. So, if you want, we can get this and a few of my other fics back to a semi regular updating schedule. As always, loads of love and thank you for reading.

Someone whistles for me, sometime in the early hours of the morning, and I follow the soft sound to the front door, where John and Sherlock are waiting for me with a leash and Iris. Sherlock has a thermos of tea, based on the smell, John carrying one full of coffee I think, and both of them are bundled up for the cold weather.

"Do you think we should tell your brother where we're going?"

Sherlock shakes his head, clipping my leash on me and tossing open the door. His heart rate increases, fingers trembling as he locks the boor behind them and slips the keys into his coat pocket beside his wallet. John follows us to Sherlock's car, slipping into the passenger seat after Iris and I are in the back seat. They hold a soft conversation in the front, Iris and I lying down together on the worn leather seats behind them. Everything smells of sweat and fear, but also some of the old sadness that Sherlock carried when we first got paired together in the therapists office.

"Have you been before?"

Sherlock shakes his head again, a single tear slipping down his face before he wipes it away and starts the car. The ride to our mystery location is long, mostly silent, but Iris is sleeping beside me and the boys up front seem to be okay enough, so I allow myself to drift off as well. I open my eyes next to find that we are at a cemetery, both boys slipping out of the car and leaving Iris and I forgotten in the back seat. I jump up when they start walking away, barking to remind them we are here but receiving nothing more than a shake of the head from Sherlock. Iris doesn't seem to share my confusion, lying her head back down as I continue pacing restlessly around the small confines of the car. After half an hour of barking though, I manage to tire myself out, finding one of Sherlock's sweaters and curling up on the floor to sleep as we await their return.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2020 ⏰

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