Day One

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"Now, can you tell me when was the last time you took your medication?"

The raven haired boy looks down at the floor, multicoloured eyes focusing on me for a moment before turning away to stare at a spot on the carpet.
He shakes his head finally, not making eye contact with the therapist.

"Sherlock, you know that I can only help you if you let me."

The boy nods, a tear slowly tracing its way down his face before forcefully being wiped away.

"I'm going to prescribe you something else, but you need to understand it's going to take a lot more work and dedication than your normal medications."

He looks up, suddenly interested in what she has to say.

"What is it this time?"

Hope slowly gives away to fear, his hands shaking when she holds up the other end of my leash. I stand when she does, but sit back down after Sherlock looks down at me.

"I...I can't..."

"Your mother and I have already discussed it Sherlock, he is fully trained and I'll make sure you get all of his stuff packed away in your car before you leave. That's all the time we have here today, I'll see you back here in a week. Alright?"

He nods slowly, dragging his feet as he follows Ella out of the air conditioned building and into the dreary rain that has begun since their appointment started.

MemoriesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz