Fighting chance

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(Im alive I promise, life has been very unsuspecting. I've had this chapter in the drafts for a while, I wasn't happy with it, it's not up to my writing standards, but I feel terrible that I haven't given you lovely people any chapters, so be gentle with me 😭)

The car ride to the hospital was almost an eternity, every red light caught, everyone who couldn't drive decided today was the perfect day. You felt your leg begin to bounce as you gazed out the window.
"Are you nervous?" Detective Naomasa spoke gently but it still managed to make you jump.
"More anxious than nervous. How bad was he injured? What does this mean for him? Will his mental health be ok? Will he look for other vices? Will he-" a chuckle from the detective cut your words off and you slit your eyes at him.
"You sound just like him. He's lucky to have someone like you." The detectives words made your heart flutter a little bit and you sat quietly picking at your fingers.
You felt the baby kick and sat there with your hands cradling your stomach.

He's going to be ok, he's got his students, you on the way... support... friends.... He's going to be ok.

You thought quietly before you looked up seeing the swarm of paparazzi standing outside the hospital. It made your skin crawl and made you itch, you let out a short, sharp breath through your nose. "We have an entrance set up in the back, no one has gotten in to see him, but he has had quite a few visitors." Detective Naomasa said before pulling around the back.

You hadn't realized how pregnant you were until you tried to get out of the policemans car. You sat on the edge of the seat catching your breath and counting just how many months you were along.

5... maybe 6 months pregnant.... Its almost... time...

"Holy shit!" You said out loud making the detective run to your side of the car in a panic almost slipping.
"What?! What's wrong?!"
You look up at the detective with a wild look, " I'm maybe 6 months pregnant!" You say bewildered causing the detective to face palm and laugh out, he stuck his hand out and gingerly helped you out of the car.

Before walking in the door you patted your pregnant belly and took a deep breath. As you've advanced in the pregnancy, the way your quirk reacts has been multiplied, feeling emotions tenfold and not being able to help hurts the most. Not only yourself but the people suffering with you, sympathy for a person but feeling empathy, feeling empathy hurts. Sometimes it can hurt physically, trying to absorb so much of people's fear and sadness and pain and while being pregnant you had no way to block it off. You could feel every emotion that everyone was feeling or experiencing internally.

You left out a long sigh and felt your temples throb slightly. A gentle hand on your elbow brought you out of your inner monologue, you looked up meeting the eyes of the detective before taking one final deep breath and walk through the threshold.

The hospital was much more likely than usual, nurses and doctors were in surplus and running around still seemingly short staffed. Where they weren't policemen, in full gear, patrolled the hallways and gave nods to the detective. You tried to focus on the sounds and the bustling but you couldn't help but feel the sadness, fear, isolation, abandonment, bliss, happiness, pain and other things floating in the hospital. Your knees almost buckle from the energy but you feel that sturdy hold on your elbow. You let out a shaky breath and finding yourselves standing in front of a guarded door.

You watch as Detective Naomasa nodded to the guards and showed his badge. They didn't think twice about letting him in, they asked for your ID, and you obliged, albeit irritated but you cooperated and showed them your ID before they opened the door. You walked in and saw a bunch of professional heroes, Nezu, and that green haired boy Deku, he looked like he had been crying which made you feel better because you honestly understood how he felt even without your quirk.

When your eyes finally rested on a beat up bandaged Yagi, you almost couldn't stop the sob that was building in your chest, instinctively you rested your hands on your bump and then you couldn't make eye contact with Yagi Yagi no matter how much you tried. The thought of almost losing him made you feel lightheaded and you felt yourself sway and heard mild panic in the room before you passed out.

You looked around the scene somewhat familiar with what you were seeing. Broken trees littered the sidewalks and even some were splintered to nothing, shattered glass lay in the streets, rubble from buildings in every path way. You look on seeing a barely standing man and go to call out but nothing comes out. You begin walking toward the man but as you walked closer he seemed to get farther away. You began running only for him to turn... Yagi... the thought entered your mind and you saw his eyes widen as he made eye contact with you, he opened his mouth and you could see him double over coughing he looked up again reached out to you. You watched as the shadow figure slowly turned to follow Yagis eyes. The red soulless glare ripped through your chest, stopping you dead in your tracks, before you realized you had to stand up to this thing, in a matter of seconds the shadow was standing in front of you breathing heavily it reached a hand toward your swollen pregnant stomach. All Mightssssss ssssssspawn.... the sickening sound hissed as it shoved it shadowy hand pierced your stomach. When you didn't scream or run from it you could sense its confusion. You felt yourself grab the wrist of the hand and met its blood thirsty eyes.
Not his child... not my child... NO CHILD NO HERO, NO ONE EVER AGAIN!!!!
You felt yourself scream before releasing all of the energy you had spent up plus the surplus from the baby causing you to shoot the monster through the building still left standing you felt your feet turn to lead before you reached Yagi and passed out...

You wake with a start causing you to gasp out and feel around your stomach, "Y/N?" You hear a familiar bass voice call next to you, you look and see Yagi sitting in the bed next to you. You reach out and touch his bandaged hand and can't help but finally cry when you meet his eyes.
"Shh, it's ok Y/N, it's ok now." He said in a humming like voice, low with reverberation. All you could do was look in his eyes and think how much you loved him and how much it scared you to think you almost lost him.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2020 ⏰

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