Trust me

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Republic of Texas and before - Austin Santiago Silvio Martinez-Jones

Republic of Vermont - Mary Lawrence Brooks-Jones

Republic of California - Francisco Williams Hernandez- Jones

West USA - Alfred Frederick Roberts-Jones

South USA - Kenneth Harriet Thomas-Jones

North USA - Jeffery Lincoln Smith-Jones

They all have different surnames as they where not always together. Kenneth and Jeffery where separated for a very long time before Europe's invasion. They meant back up in the late 1600's. They where with other families before that.

The fallen republics have different names because well, different countries. They choose Jones as a good surname for all of them as a family (or just Ken, Jeff and Al)

Warning: Google translate because I'm a monolingual idiot

The World Meeting, it really is something. Something they wanted into.

Six people, West, South and North USA, and the three fallen republics. Of course, no one knew they were even here.

"I shouldn't be expected to watch over the US!" Canada proclaimed, he hated it when they asked about the US. It wasn't his problem.

"Your the-" "I'M NOT THE US REPRESENTATIVE" Canada shouted over Ludwig, "I'M CANADA"

Needless to say he and Mexico were sick of having to deal with the US. It wasn't the fact they hated the US, no not really, they hated the people who ran it sure, but never the normal citizen. They hated the fact that the US had no representative, the mortals couldn't keep up with the constantly changing nation.

In other places a plan was brewing.

"So steal all the documents for the US?" Fransico asked, at 16 he was the youngest looking of them all. His hair cut to the shoulder and for the most part pulled back beside his bangs that framed his face.
    "Yup, Tony is taking out security on their laptops at 1400 sharp, you have a 10 minute window to get in," Alfred explained.

"So Franny and I go online and copy all their documents while they are helpless and none the wiser?" Jeffery asked, Alfred nodded.

"Remind me pop, why are we doing 'his?" Mary asked, haircut to her chin and it curled upwards as well as the stubborn curl that hung in front of her face. His hair was a more pale brown while in contrast to the other two teen whos' hair where dark brown to black in color.

"Because sugah, we need to know what they are doing and figure out where their next meetin' is gonna be held," Kenneth said smiling.
"What he said Mary," Alfred sighed.

"So we are stalkin' them? All at once," Austin muttered, the oldest of the fallen republics and the one with the most knowledge of the meetings. He'd been to some during his nation's hour of living.

"Yup," Alfred smiled.
"Creepy but i'll take it," Austin shrugged. His hair reached down his back and his bangs barely just avoided hanging over his eye.

Alfred smiled, he'd never met any other nation.

"I want to see Ma and Pop again," Kenneth said off handedly, he looked down at the tattoo around his wrist. Jeffery simply nodded along.

"I want to meet my brother," Alfred sighed, he'd never been able to meet Matthew, at least he never remembered meeting his supposive twin.

"The fransk rövhål took him before we could," Jeffery growled. The northern quarter of the US despised the French. In his own words; "If I could go back in time I would throw an axe at his head!" That was to put it lightly.

Francisco pulled up his laptop, it was bulky and old looking but it kept the government out of his stuff. That was good enough for him. He went threw his taps carefully scanning the lines of code and numbers.
"I'll be able to get in fine, their computers aren't very secure in the first place," the Californian laughed.
"Well that's good, stay clear of photos Franny," Kenneth advised.
    "I know uncle," Francsico chuckled.

"Its 1353, get ready," Jefferey said pulling out his laptop. It was even bulker then Francisco's laptop.

The minutes ticked by and everyone stayed quiet, beside Austin's strumming on his guitar.

"Copied," Francisco declared at 1409, "All their stuff is locked up again," He laughed.
    "Send it over, I'll check them while on the road." Mary spoke up.

"Let's head out," Kenneth ruled, standing up and started packing up. In a matter of minutes documents were sent, received and downloaded. The room was packed up and ready to go.

"Let's hit the road," Austin said shutting the driver's side door.
"Tex right?" Mary asked looking up from her computer.
"Yup, I want whataburger when we get down there," Austin smiled.
"It's your home, I would assume you know where you need to go from here," Mary laughed booting up the laptop.
"27 hours is the cops don't pull us over," Austin laughed.

Mary sighed, "Do you 'hink we'll ever stop?"
    "What do ya mean Ma'y?" Austin asked following behind Kenneth's truck.
        "Do you 'hink we'll ever have a house? Jus' settle down and not 'ravel around chasing da countries around the US and Canada?" Mary asked.

Austin stayed quiet, he didn't know.
    "Yeah, I'm sure at some point we will," Austin said quietly, "But i'm not sure I'm ready to stop," Austin chuckled. "All I ever remember is being on the road. When I was a colony I was on the ocean or following around Mexico or Spain. I don't know anything else then travel."

Mary stared at her brother for a moment, "you always wanted a farm right?" he nodded, "When we all finally settle down and stop this goose chase then i'm sure dad will finally let you have your farm. That could be your reason," Mary stated.
"I'll keep that in mind, Ma'y," Austin sighed.

"You'll learn to like the stable life of having a home, farm, your own bed, kitchen," Mary said with a smile still coming threw the documents. "I know money makes you anxious, but it'll be ok"

"It's not money that makes me anxious, it's not having any money," Austin sighed, "All that debt hurt like hell, I couldn't pay all the countries back before I joined the US. When the land was sold it hurt so much more than the debt."

"Then you disappeared from the nations and left," Mary asked.
"I thought I was going to die, like Rome and Ancient Greece," Austin laughed, "Never thought I would be alive today, let me tell you, huge disappointment."
Mary laughed, reality was really far from what they thought life was going to be.

"But, a farm sounds nice. It's been a while since I was able to grow anything," Austin said with a smile.

"Yeah, maybe in the next 100 or so years, we'll settle down," Mary sighed.
"Maybe meet that micronation up in Nevada," Austin laughed.
"Oh yeah! 20 something years strong right?"
"Yup! Looks good from their Instagram and Twitter," Austin laughed.

"Is it weird how he looks like you?" Mary asked looking up at him.
    Austin laughed, "Kind of, it's a little weird but Franny also looks like me."
        "He's related to you by Mexico," Mary reminded, "wait Nevada that was part of his territory. That might be why," Mary concluded.
Austin nodded.

"You think we'll ever meet the other nations?" Mary asked.
    "Yeah, a few can get on your nerves but most are pretty nice,"
            "Trust me."

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