07. Fingerprint

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Aurora's POV

The last thing I wanted to be doing on this fine Wednesday morning is dealing with a sort of, sort of not ex of mine and his new charge who he is definitely in love with. But, even though I am seen to be with an ill temper and have even been called evil by some, sadly I have a soft heart and I can't hold back when I see that someone really is in need.

I have lost a lot due to this annoying disposition of mine, with time when you have been screwed over by others so much, you learn to hate something like this about yourself. It's no longer something to be admired to happy about. It was a long time ago that I gave up on the idea of being the good guy, of thinking that just because I want to help others and ease their suffering that I'm not going to end up hurt in the end because of my good intentions.

No good deed goes unpunished is a reality that I have learnt the hard way.

I used to be in love with Samuel, I went against all of the rules that I have grown up with for him, but there was nothing I could do when I realised that his feelings for me were not on the same level as mine. It's not like he ran off with another woman or was an asshole for no reason. He went off to be a freaking guardian angel and look after people.

Of course, I found all of this out by myself when he suddenly disappeared. I was given no explanation and if I was a normal woman then I might have never found out where he went or the reasons behind his decisions. But when you're one of the most powerful witches to walk this Earth, you have certain ways of finding things out that you aren't meant to know.

He never asked me to give up my immortality for him, he never really asks for help so I know that this is an extreme for him. Of course, I haven't spoken to him in decades so he could have changed but he seems the same old Samuel to me. It was hard for me to hate someone who just wanted to do good in the world, it's not his fault that my heart decided to fall too hard and too quickly.

His charge is lying down on what she thinks is just a normal bed but there is nothing normal in the world of magic. The bed she is lying on has been in my family for generations, and being from one of the first covens means that she cannot even wrap her little head around the power that I should possess.

The simple but great piece of furniture has been absorbing magic for centuries from my whole family and everyone it has been used on. Every time that someone lays on it or uses magic around it, it drains some of that magic for itself. It's like a fingerprint and log of everything that has even gone through its path.

I'm not even sure that I can comprehend the amount of history and magic that is stored in its being. Ever since bringing Samuel back to life on this vert couch, I haven't been in the business of doing a lot of magic. It's no surprise that I lost the passion for something that always seems to be holding me back.

But of course she has no idea the amount of sacrifices I have had to make and that they have made me weaker. To her I am a powerful witch, because she is nothing but a measly human. Squaring my shoulders, I steel my gaze to the woman laying down in front of me because I can't afford to feel sympathy for anyone else.

I don't know what kind of message I need to send that is bigger than the fact that I have built my own invisible house in the middle of the densest forrest on Earth. I live alone and barely anyone knows where I am, in fact I'm not sure how Sam found me so I might have to look into finding a new spot to hide in. I had just managed to get out of their radar and now he has come to drag me right back in.

I didn't always used to hate humans but you can't blame with the history between humans and magic. It doesn't matter that I look exactly like them; I am different and they are always going to hate me because of it. There is no cure or enough magic in the world to make people less judgemental about those around them.

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