03. The Guy With Wings

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Ariel's POV

It's getting harder and harder to have the will to wake up every day. To get up and face what the world has in store for me. It just never seems to be any good.

It's no surprise that my head feels like it's going to split in half and that my mouth tastes like something died in it. It's been a while since I don't remember a single thing about the night before, but I am cursed to never have that last so I know that as I fight of the mother of all hangovers that last night is going to start coming back to me in pieces. Not that I want it to but that's the thing with curses, you don't really get a choice in the matter.

I don't remember if I made it home or if I went home with someone, I don't make it a habit of having one night stands but I think I pushed my drinking limit last night; even by my own standards.

Weirdly enough there are no lights trying to blind me or cause my head to explode, which is something that I am extremely grateful for right now. I don't know what I did to deserve that little miracle but right now I will take anything that doesn't make me want to run into the bathroom and puke my guts out.

For me the worst feeling in the world is feeling nauseous, which I know doesn't make sense since I got so drunk last night; but you can't blame a girl for wanting to take her mind off the worst day of her life. I don't know what I was drinking last night because I remember having the strangers dream that there was a guy who was actually an angel and he said he was my guardian.

Now I'm starting to question if there was something slipped in my drink to cause me to have such vivid dreams since if I didn't know any better I would have sword that I really did see that guy.

I try and open my eyes, something that feels gross because I wasn't in the right state of mind to take off the makeup I was wearing last night. It might be vain and pointless to some but I love doing makeup and it's something that calms me down. Plus it's super fun playing with all of the different colours but I'm getting off track.

The first thing I notice when I manage to pry my eyes open is that I am certainly not in my own tiny bed in my tiny apartment. The room I am isn't massive but I would gladly swap mine for it, the bed is the probably the most heavenly thing I have ever laid on and I must not forget my university hook up who was carved out of sheer perfection; shame he wasn't very smart or nice, which is why he was only a hook up.

My brain tends to wonder like this when I am trying to focus on something other than the splitting headache and nausea I know are waiting for me as soon as I try and move a millimetre on this bed. I have to try and distract myself if I have any hope of making it through this day alive.

It's more than a little scary that I have no idea where I am or how might be waiting on the other side of the door for me. I do have to count the little miracle that whoever lives here hasn't decided to make me breakfast since the thought of food right now is more than a little repulsive. Looks like today is going to be a very tough day.

"Are you awake? How are you feeling?" Says a deep voice from behind me and I have to fight the urge to twist around and see who he is and what it is that I'm going to have to deal with today. His voice sounds deep and attractive, if there can be such a thing.

"I'm feeling like death but give me a couple of minutes and I will get out of your way." I reply, my head still buried in the pillow as I seek any kind of refuge from the outside world for just a little while longer.

"I can fix that for you." He replies and I feel the edge of the bed shift as he must have sat down. Even though I feel this false sense of security with this guy, my body still tenses as the reality of the situation sinks in and all of the ways this could end badly are countless.

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