Start from the beginning

I don't give him a chance to reply, as I grab his hand and start pulling him towards the makeshift dance floor.

But of course, my luck is as crap as this situation as my path is soon blocked by a six-foot-two and two hundred pounds of Roman James.

"Angel," he says cheerfully, "How’re you doing? Long time no see."

I don't like his cheerful voice, knowing that he is definitely up to something.

He looks at me, then at Jonathan, then at our joined hands. I quickly drop Jonathan's hand, to not send any wrong signals of us being together or anything.

He looks at Jonathon again and asks, "Do you mind if I talk to her for a second? We have some serious business going on." He looks at me with accusing eyes and I know, I just know that he knows, that I'm behind his visit to the hospital.

Jonathan looks at me and I shake my head and plead with my wide eyes. I try to tell him with my eyes to not leave me with this big ass monster alone.

He'll kill me and will dump my body in an ocean and will never get caught. But of course, Jonathan being a wimp, just lowers his eyes and shrugs. Like he doesn't have anything else to say and scurries away.  

Stay away from Jonathan's wimp ass? Check.

Well, you got a chance now, apologize and get it over with Avery. 

He grabs my upper arm all of a sudden and drags me to the nearest empty room and locks the door behind him.

Now here's the thing, it should freak me out, it should make me want to run in the opposite direction. It should really freak me out or at least make me want to keep a safe distance between us, but my heart and my body do the exact opposite thing.

They feel safe in his presence. It's like my heart knows, that even though he's a complete moron and he knows how to intimidate someone, he'll never, ever harm me. He'll rather cut his penis off than harm me physically or mentally. 

And now I'm staring at him with a weird look in my eyes because a few seconds later he snaps his fingers in front of my face, and speaks, "Back to earth, Angel. I ain't letting you seduce me just because we're alone." 

"Oh please, like I would ever seduce you. Keep dreaming, asshole," I say and roll my eyes.

"Back to the subject. You took it way too far this time," he says, glaring down at me. 

"I don't know what you're talking about," I say, looking around the room, not quite meeting his eyes.

Stop playing the innocent card, Avery! He knows what you did.

"You know exactly what I’m talking about, Angel,” he said.

"I think you should stop calling me, Angel," I say.

Stop changing the subject and just apologize you stubborn ass

"No, I won't stop calling you Angel and I think you should stop changing the subject." 

What the fuck.

"Stop copying my mind!" I say, resting my hands on my hips and glare up at him.

"What? Oh god, I swear you're the weirdest girl I've ever met in my whole life," he says, pinching the bridge of his nose like he finds it hard to deal with me. "My parents freaked out because of you, it was so hard to handle them," he continues. 

And with that, the guilt rushes back in. I mean I know it was a bit too much, but he started this war, it was his fault and he has to suffer the consequences now.

"Well I'll apologize to your parents, but I will not apologize to you," I say, crossing my arms over my chest, daring him to cross me.

He looks at me, then looks at the ceiling, like he's blaming God for my existence before he looks back at me. "You took it too far and you better get ready to pay for it, Angel. I won't let you get away with this," he says, turning on his heel and walking out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

I already know that he'll come back with one hell of revenge, I just have to be prepared. 

I turn and leave the room, making my way back to the party. I try to find my friends but no one's in the sight. I turn and head to the bar, thinking I might find someone there. I spot Kyle from a distance, who's muttering something in Lily's ear which makes her blush. And I can only imagine what he's telling her.

I start walking towards them when my shoulder bumps into someone, who's walking in the opposite direction with a red cup in his hand. I look back, apologize, and start walking again when a hand grips my shoulders.

I look back to find the guy who I bumped into staring at me with a frown on his face. Suddenly his expression changes and a shocked expression takes place instead. Then he utters those words, which I thought I would never hear again. Words that make me sick to my stomach, which haunts me every single night.

"You're Will's Avery right?" 

My whole world crashes down, my face goes pale and panic starts welling up inside me. My mind goes numb and my heartbeat picks up. I don't know what to say, I thought I was so far away from everything and everyone. I don't want my past to come back and make my life a living nightmare, not again.

"Guys, look here. She's the one. She's Will's Avery!" The guy starts calling to his friends, and a  few people around us stop to look at what’s happening.

I can't say anything, as my legs start shaking, I don't think I can stand any longer as all of a sudden, Kyle's beside me. 

He's shouting at the guy, who's making a scene but I'm unable to listen to anything they say. I soon feel a wave of dizziness seep in and before I know I'm falling as blackness envelopes me.

 I soon feel a wave of dizziness seep in and before I know I'm falling as blackness envelopes me

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Heyyyy cuties. Hope you're all doing well.

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Teaser ~ a boring history class can turn out to be quite eventful sometimes.


Until the next chapter 🐈

Happy reading ;)

Kiara 🖤

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