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Mitchel's POV

Christian was taking too long in the shower for my own liking. I was getting annoyed and needed to talk to him. I decided to text him. I didn't want Clinton knowing.

text messages between Kras🦥 and Mitty🐒

when you're finally done
don't go to your room
meet me in my mine

is this serious?

meet me and find out

you got it


is this serious?

Uhh yes. I am really not sure what I want from this conversation. My head is unclear. Do I want Christian? Jordan? Both? I'm selfish if that's what I want. Unfair to Christian and Jordan. Maybe I want a break from Christian. It would be good for the both us. Or not. Fuck everything to do with love and feelings. It's all too much.

"You wanted to see me," Christian said as he walked in. He's still wet from the shower and only had his towel on. The towel hung low on his hips, his v line to his ...woah woah Mitchel focus.

"You didn't bother to put on clothes or what?"

"The message said when you're finally done don't go to your room so I'm following orders," he said as he licked his lips. Why does he make this so hard. All he did was lick his lips. I don't even wanna talk anymore. He was about to say something else but I shushed him by putting my finger up to his mouth. I spun him around and pushed him slightly onto my bed.

"What's up? Careful my towels is all messed up. Something might be coming out," Christian is such an idiot sometimes.

"I'm fine with that."

"Oh yeah than do something," Christian said in a whisper that gave me little butterflies.

"No w- I can't do this. I'm sorry," I said as I got off him.

"Hey hey wait where did that come from? We were just fine."

"Yeah well I thought about your night and it's just too soon."

"Oh. Uhh umm sorry. We can just chill together," Christian said innocently. He has no idea what is about to hit him. I don't want to hurt him.

"I think we need a break."

"What? You did not just say I don't - no no."

"Yes. I did say it. Sorry." I could see Christian's body language shift. He will eventually see how much I need it. How much we need this.

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