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Christian's POV

"Oh my god, baby. What happened to you? Christian I'm here now. You can go ahead and get some rest," Jordan said with this slight attitude with her voice. She thinks I was the one who was responsible for Mitchel being in the hospital. She couldn't be more wrong.

"I'm leaving on my own to get something to drink, not because you said to. I'll be back in 10 minutes to check on him." Once I reached the door, I glance back at Mitchel. His eyes told me Jordan wasn't who he wanted to see right now. I give him a look that said I'll be back. He slowly nods and turns his attention back towards Jordan.

Once I got out in the hall, I walked down to find the cafeteria. I was itching for a drink and a bite to eat. These past few hours were a lot and I had a feeling Mitchel's actions these past weeks had something to do with me. Ever since I ended things with him he's been acting out. Mitchel has always been a party type of guy but he's upped the dosages this time around. It was like he was trying to erase any feeling he had but it wasn't working.

I probably should mention that I broke sexual things off with Chad. We were better off as friends anyways because we started off by me using him to get Mitchel jealous. It was not my best decision I've ever made. After awhile I felt disgusting about the whole thing.

The feeling of regret from sleeping with multiple people in a small amount of time was enough to make me stop. I wasn't and still isn't waiting around for Mitchel but I didn't want to be a whore anymore. If I were to be with someone again it would have to be someone completely new. Unless that person was Mitchel. I will always have this strong connection to him. And if he wanted to be with me, I would gladly say yes. He's not ready for that commitment right now. I don't want to force him to do something he's not comfortable doing so for I will wait. Obviously there will be a place in time where waiting is pointless and so moving on is the only option. That's for the future not now.

I found the cafeteria and got what I came down for and headed back to Mitchel's room. Outside the door, I hear Clinton distantly talking to Jordan, I'm guessing Mitchel is resting now after being up talking to everyone. I opened the door quietly and see that it was Clinton talking to Jordan.

"Hey, how is he doing?" I directed my question towards Clinton. Jordan kinda was just there and could not be bothered by her right now.

"He's doing alright. He literally passed out 45 seconds before you came in."

I sat in the chair opposite of where Jordan was sitting. I glanced up to see Mitchel's sleeping face. He looked peaceful while sleeping. My mind wondered of memories of late nights where we would just sleep. I know for me that I slept better when he was cuddled up into me.

"They said he could be released later tonight. I was going to head home and clean up the kitchen floor before he came back." I nodded my head agreeing with that idea because Mitchel doesn't need to see that.

"You know what I'll come with you. We can clean the house, shower and then we will come back here to bring him home."

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