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Christian's POV

Mitchel ended up coming back to my room last night and we just made out the entire night. It was slow kisses that made my heart flutter. He's actually still in my arms right now. He has his legs wrapped around mine and his head next to my side. Don't tell him but I love mornings like this.

"Stop looking at me Christian Anthony," Mitchel told me with his eyes closed. He moved so now his head was on my chest.

"Your eyes are closed so how do you know I'm looking at you?" I questioned him because I was genuinely curious.

"You think I need my eyes open to know when you're looking at me? I just know because you're constantly looking. It's quite obvious." God he's so irritating but in the best way possible.

"Yeah yeah whatever," I said as I was getting up to leave my bed. Mitchel whined and tried to pull me back onto the bed. He failed.

"No come back. Where are you going? You were keeping me warm," Mitchel said with this adorable morning voice that would probably get me any other day but not today. Clinton and I have plans today.

"I'm going to brush my teeth and shower. Care to join, sexy? You're always welcome," I say with a smirk. Mitchel doesn't say anything but instead he leaves my room. What an ass.

After my shower, I found Mitchel in the kitchen making himself some toast for breakfast. "You know I have something else you can eat for breakfast." I said as I snuck up behind Mitchel and wrapped my arms around his waist. All he did was make a psshhttt sound. "It's called morning sausage."

"You really done it now. Get off of me," he said while laughing. I let him go and sit on the couch waiting for Clinton to get ready. We are going to get lunch together since it's been a minute since we got dinner together. Clinton finally came out and we are about to head out.

"We are leaving sexy, see you later," I told Mitchel as I went to kiss his cheek. I am kinda cute when I want to be. Mitchel gave me a tight lingering hug.

"Have fun. I won't be here when you get back. I'm going to Jordan's, going to stay the night. I'll see you tomorrow."

All I could say was whatever.

Is he serious?

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