Sitting down he took her hand and kissed it.
"My ring." Becky said.
"It's in your bag." Seth said getting up and getting it out. Walking over he slipped it onto her finger.
"Thank you." Becky said.
"Sleep." Seth said. "I'll be here when you wake."
Becky smiled and squeezed his finger and she drifted back off. Seth leaned his head against their joined hands and drifted off himself.

"No." Gracie said stomping her foot.
"Gracie." Seth said sitting down in front of her.
"I want my mommy." Gracie said.
"I know baby but she needs to do these tests so she can leave here." Seth said. "Can you please eat your oatmeal."
"No." Gracie said stomping her foot.
"What's this?" Charlotte asked coming in.
"Someone is a tad cranky and doesn't want to eat her breakfast." Seth said.
"I want my mommy." Gracie said bursting into tears.
Seth moved her into hks arms again and held her why she cried.
"Baby I know you want your mommy and she'll be here soon." Seth said. "Mommy is being brave and you need to be as well."
"Mommy makes me brave." Gracie said.
"I know baby." Seth said.
"What are you feeding her?" Charlotte asked looking at the oatmeal.
"Oatmeal." Seth said.
"I don't blame her not wanting to eat this." Charlotte said. "It looks god awful."
"It taste gross." Gracie said.
Charlotte dipped her finger in and tasted it.
"Gross." She said dramatically making Gracie laugh. "How about if you, me and Andrade go down to the cafeteria and find something better to eat and we can bring mommy back something special."
"That sounds fun." Seth said.
"Coffee." Andrade said coming with a coffee holder in his hands.
"Babe Seth was trying to kill Gracie here with this god awful oatmeal." Charlotte said. "I thought we could take her to find better food."
"Of course." Andrade said. "We can even stop by the gift shop and get that teddy bear I saw."
"How about it baby?" Seth asked.
"Okay." Gracie said. "You'll call Tia and Teo when mommy comes back right?"
"First thing." Seth said.
"Okay." Gracie said getting up. "Can you carry me Teo?"
"Si." Andrade said lifting her up. "Your Spanish is getting good."
"Gracias." Gracie said.
"Thanks." Seth said and Charlotte nodded and they left with Frank.

"Why are you on the floor?" Becky asked when the nurse wheeled her back in.
"Gracie had a bit of a melt down." Seth said.
"Poor baby." Becky said. "Where is she?"
"Charlotte and Andrade took her to get some breakfast." Seth said.
"Mommy." Gracie said rushing in. "Daddy."
"She just got back." Seth said. "I was typing a text to Charlotte." He showed her his phone.
"Oh." Gracie said. "Look mommy Teo got me two bears, one is a ballerina and one is a figure skater."
"Wow." Becky said. "Did you thank them?"
"Yes." Gracie said.
"She did." Charlotte said. "And she ate an egg sandwich and two jelly doughnuts."
"Good job baby." Seth said.
"We bought some doughnuts too." Charlotte said.
"How was your testing?" Gracie asked climbing into Seth's lap.
"It was fine, my doctor will be by soon to talk about them and see if I can go home." Becky said.
"That's good." Charlotte said. "I saw your tweet."
"Gotta let them know they didn't get me." Becky said.
"Well it has caused ripples." Charlotte said.
"I usually do when I post." Becky said.
"Good morning." Josh said coming in with a bag of clothes.
"Uncle Josh." Gracie said. "Look mommy is okay."
"I see." Josh said. "I brought you all some clean clothes."
"Thanks." Seth said.
"We're going to head out." Charlotte said. "We're heading to my dad's for thanksgiving."
"Okay, we'll see you Friday for Smackdown." Becky said.
"See you then, get better." Charlotte said.
"I will." Becky said and they left.

"Hello." A doctor said coming in with a nurse. "I am Dr. Jones, I've looked over your tests and you're clear to go home."
"I'm good?" Becky asked.
"Yes, your blood levels are back to normal and there might just be a headache from the mild concussion but you passed all the tests." He said. "You do need to rest still."
"I will." Becky said.
"I will have Cindy here bring you in release papers and then you are free to go." He said.
"Thanks." Becky said.

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