Looking towards another direction, you witness Grillby and Muffet talking rather than dancing, discussing over the future of their businesses and how they planned on expanding their market in another year. A bucket-shaped turtle and a yellow duckling are the ones to continue the chain of dancers instead, mimicking Toriel and Frisk's steps.

Undyne and Alphys are hesitant to begin their dance at first, though the two eventually warm up to each other, a careful distance kept between them regardless of how long it had been since they first confirmed their relationship. They begin to move across the balcony, bright smiles present on their faces.

Various Temmies vibrate intensely, growing pumped with the energy surrounding them. They offer to dance with each other shortly after, though a pair of them grow reds spots over their faces -- apparently being allergic to themselves. Despite that obstacle, they carry on dancing without a care, causing for a pair of formal Royal Guards to be influenced by their movements, quirky and vibrant. Sheepish, the two take time to hold onto each other's hands, the rabbit-eared one blushing at that gesture. They start to move around, steps slow and eyes locked onto each other's faces.

Noticing Asgore standing all by himself and Sans staring at the stars a few feet farther away from the gathering, you offer your hand out to the goat gentleman and wait, wanting to become involved in the odd session everyone seemed to be getting carried into.

He smiles at you and holds both of your hands, leading you to the middle of the dance floor. The both of you follow the tune already midway through, though it lasts long enough to evoke some small talk between you. "You have grown quite a lot, (Y/N)," Asgore comments, eyes centering on your face. "In a few months, it will be your second year anniversary, will it not? I am proud of you."

You grin at his comment, grasp over his hand tightening as you soon find yourself lost in your thoughts. "I'm. . . I'm happy to hear that, sir." you reply, keeping eye contact despite your embarrassment. "I'm proud of where we are, too."

Asgore chuckles, stopping the dance when another song begins playing. This one's more upbeat, obliging for everyone's steps to change their pace. The two of you carry on with the second dance until its very end, with the addition of other small talk regarding how your aunt and cousin were doing -- these the main two in favour of your new life and marriage partner -- as well as Toriel's most recent plans to build a second school for the older students around.

Once the second song reaches its end, everyone decides to take a short break by talking with one another again. You, on the other hand, decide to make your spouse company, aware you'd yet to greet him after the New Year countdown.

With slow steps, you eventually arrive in front of him, and -- on a closer look -- you notice he hasn't yet broken his gaze away from the sky, an assumption proved by how startled he is by your presence. It's hard for you to believe you were close to reaching your second year with him -- third, if you were to count the one when you were dating, and fourth, if you were to include in your time spent as friends. Four years ago -- if you counted the year before you met with your new path -- you would've never thought something like this to be possible, even less if you were told you were to mingle with monsters beyond that of what your old job at the police department required of you.

"Looks like you're growin' old with us, huh?" he comments, distracting you from those thoughts.

His hand reaches out for one of your (short/long) strands of hair, which he uses to inspect a white lock that'd managed to grow over your scalp.

"You already have a grey hair." He chuckles, his face leaning closer to your neck. His hand finds its way to your cheek, while your own's placed on top of his. You both remain silent for a moment, until he decides to speak up again. "Soon 'nuff, your skin's gonna get all wrinkly."

"I've only just reached my mid twenties, though." You chuckle at his words, closing off the little space left between him and you.

His eye sockets close in response to your proximity while his hand reaches for the back of your head. He pulls you close to him, making you lean lower to meet with his height. Your lips press rough against his teeth, signaling over the clumsy action you both take. The kiss eventually softens up, though there's still remains an awkward air surrounding the both of you. Sans's cold breaths provoke a shiver down your spine, causing for you to involuntarily deepen your contact over his teeth.

After what looks to be an eternity, you both let go, with your cheeks warm and his white irises bouncing from your gaze to everyone that surrounds you.

"Can't believe it's been almost three years since the day we started datin'." Sans lets out a laugh, rubbing the back of his skull. "Figured I'd both suck at this whole marriage thing if I'm still gettin' flustered over little things."

A grin shows on your face, made brighter when you cup his cheekbone with your hand, making his face tint a light shade of red. "I'd say it's all worth it, though." You take a pause, passing a hand across your hair afterwards, growing conscious over the grey lock he'd commented over. "Experienced or not, I still love you, Sans. It's okay if you're still getting used to this, 'cuz in all honesty. . . I am, too."

After that statement, an idea reaches your mind. You reach out for your outfit's back pocket and pull your wallet out. From its contents, you retrieve a picture of the day of your vows.

There were many changes, yet at the same time, some things had stayed the same. Your outer appearances had grown older and matured a bit more along those two years, yet some of the relationships shared with everyone had stayed the same. You were still Faust's (mother/father), though there were mentions and subtle hints made about him wanting a sibling; you were still a big group, yet Gerson's absence could be felt every so often; and although you were more at peace, it didn't erase the remnants of your and everyone's fight, both in the sense of Flowey's destructive actions and the imprints you had left on court, both implanting changes soon to go unforgotten.

Slowly, yet consistently, the town you once used to be a part of -- as well as other locations -- were growing more tolerant of the two races now sharing one same place. Things were continuously changing -- sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worst, though the latter could be felt more often with the new laws established, and you'd remained through those changes until the very end.

From what it seemed, you were just beginning to live and chase after that possible 'happily ever after' many fairy tales often talked about.

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