Chapter 7 - Stirring Hearts

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The weather was changed drastically from the morning. The clouds had amassed and twilight wind shivered with cold. Tress swayed slowly and beautifully under the spell of darkening sky.

"So we are going out once again" Amelia announced placing the empty cup of coffee on table.

"We are out, if you haven't noticed already." Ashley pointed, sipping on his cappuccino. Archie rolled his eyes, sitting beside him while Ethan and Ava ignored the two. Ethan and Ava were sitting together while Archie sat facing Ava beside Amelia who was facing Ashley.

"You know what am talking about, genius" Amelia retorted with a forced sweet smile, this guy was surely something.

"No, I don't" Ashley shook his head, acting all clueless. He did know what Amelia was saying but he wasn't going to let go the chance of troubling her. He was finally learning the art to control her emotions.

Amelia closed her eyes, gritting her teeth. Taking deep breath, she calmed her nerves while Ashley chuckled at her reaction. His idea was working.

"We are going to forest and that too, right now." Amelia said ignoring Ashley and talking to Archie, Ethan and Ava. But her words gained everyone's attention.

"Now?" Ava asked raising her eyebrow, not understanding what got into Amelia. It was just twilight and their plan were mostly of night so to understand the nature in darkness.

"Precisely!" Amelia nodded with confidence. She didn't want to injure herself again due to darkening night but of course, she wasn't going to admit it. "Weather seems to be changing. We must enjoy to fullest before we have to go packing to hotel."

"That's understandable!" Archie remarked somewhere he had the idea why Amelia was reluctant to go in forest late and he shared the same sentiment. Last night, was damn awkward.

"Fine then, let's go Ethan and see what we find about forest this time." Ava said standing up, she ignored the shadow that crossed Archie's face and completely ignored her heart too.

"Let's move, Archie" Amelia said carefully understanding what was Archie feeling. Last night, her talk with Ava was interrupted but she would make sure to not let that happen again.

"My apologies for inconvenience but Archie can't join you." Ashley said with fake formality earning confused glances from all around him.

"Excuse me?" Archie asked raising his eyebrow, wondering what was going in his vicious mind now.

"You're excused!" Ashley said in dismissing tone, hiding his smile.

"Since the misadventure last night, Archie appeared to be incompetent in handling situations, so he is excused from going, as he asked." Ashley ranted in a formal tone and with a serious look that shocked everyone.

"What rubbish?" Archie exclaimed with his jaws dropped and shock freezing his eyes. He wasn't enthusiastic to go without Ava either but that didn't mean Ashley would demote him in such manner.

"You coming with me ma'am?" Ashley said extending his hand with his other hand behind his back, just like the twenties movies. "I assure you, I'll be better in protection and help."

Amelia blinked her eyes, unable to believe it was Ashley only. His whole demeanor seemed to be changed. There was a glint in his eyes and he seemed to be sure of himself, in a better way.

For the first time, she was all blank and not sure what to do. She didn't know how to reject his offer. It was like she was under his spell, a spell that he casted by changing his aura.

Hesitantly, Amelia gave her hand in his and he passed a sophisticated smile.

"Take this and be careful this time" Ashley passed the tracking device to Archie while holding Amelia's hand. There was a hint of warning in his eyes that Archie caught but didn't understand.

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