Chapter 69: Flashing Through

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    Thankfully I am done with the flashbacks. I hope you are now able to differentiate the relationship between Sheebah Rose and Jenny and why they despise each other

“Forget? Is that the key to happiness?”

       I woke up on a bed,fluffy and comfortable.It wasn't an hospital bed this time,its actually my bed. My past was like a dream but it wasn't. It felt real and it speaks volumes too. Now I understand every fucking thing. My past was a memory that has been wiped off, like a name written on sand, washed away by rain. It all makes sense,all the torturing,messages, all made sense. I wish I hadn't remembered, It's better than looking out for answers that were hidden deep inside of me..

     Shedding my blankets,i stood up and approached the mirror. My reflection confused me . Who really am i? Is it the old Cather who mingled with her archenemies or the Cather that despised them. I can't seem to understand. Since looking at the mirror wouldn't give me an answer, I decided to find out myself. Revisiting all the places that everything had occurred isn't too bad of a choice. I was about to pick up my phone when Andrew called.

      Ooh yeah.

“ What happened?How did you get here? Did you know how worried I was when I found out that the you were missing?Thank goodness your location was on, what would I have done without you? I thought I had lost you for fucks sake. ” he blabbed, brushing his hair backwards whenever he wanted to express a point.

     Damn he is attractive. Especially when he is pissed.

    “ Cather?”

      “Am fine ”

    “What really happened?”

        “ I want to go home ”

      “There's no way am leaving here without answers . Are you ok? Talk to me cat ”

      “Listen Drew. I don't want to talk about it . Take me home”

      “Ok” he replied dryly and I scolded myself for not being able to tell him anything. It was just too much for me to take. Moreover how would i tell him? Would i be like ' am sorry but I used to be a bitchy bitch who went against her friends in the past' ?

     It's better to keep him in the dark than make him hate me. Anything but that. However my reply made me rethink my decision,he was holding the steering very tightly until his knuckles turned white and he would not look at me. It was like I had gotten smaller or unnoticeable.

         I didn't think he'd care, that he'd be this mad. Such a wonderful night ended like this thanks to me. He didn't say a word when he dropped me off too and I also entered the house without saying goodbye. It was to say the least awkward. I was a complete bitch. I still am.

      My parents were at the living room, watching The loud house with junior when I entered and I felt like disappearing. How i wish the ground would open up and swallow me. How would I reply to their questions?

     They all shot their head back when they noticed my presence with that glint of hope in eyes ready to ask me how my day went. I smiled back, replying all their questions with a simple yes and no before taking an excuse to leave for my room. They understood my condition and nodded but not after telling me to give them the full gist tomorrow.


   It was Andrew. Maybe he's calling to tell me he is done or he wants to remind me of how shitty  I was yesterday. I didn't want to answer at first but I'd rather hear him yell at me for being shitty than keep him under the impression that I was ignoring him. Heck I don't Even know what to say.

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