Chapter 30: Alter Ego

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Third Person P.O. V (cont.)

He groaned when he flexed his arm muscles and thought his bones had broken as Edward was so heavy he could weigh a thousand pounds and he as his friend, had to bear the brunt of his drunkenness.

 When he heard his friend mumble something, he leaned his ear to his mouth, so he could hear it clearly and maybe use it against him, but he was surprised when he heard it clearly.

 ' Perhaps, perhaps we are not meant to be.'


 I woke up to the pitter-patter of the rain on the rooftop and groaned as I didn't want to stand up. I shifted to the other side of the bed and rested my head on the pillow by the left. After tossing and turning and still unable to sleep, I resigned to fate and yawned before sitting up.

 I checked the time and shook when I saw it was already afternoon, but then I remembered we were on holidays and only then did I sigh in relief.


 I walked down the stairs and was about to head for the kitchen when I heard a crashing sound, so I rushed to where the sound came from. It wasn't surprising that it was from the game room and I could guess the situation at first glance.

 Junior was sat on a leather sofa, fumbling with the chord of the game pad that was now in ruins, and I was about to scold him when I suddenly thought of something.

 "Oh my God junior what is this?" I exclaimed like I had just entered and stood at the entrance with a fake shocked expression on my face.

 He shivered when he saw that I had caught him red-handed and quickly stood up.

 "Not me. Not me I swear." He tried to lie to get himself out of it, but it was only childish of him to think with all the evidence lying on the ground, I would still choose to believe him.

 "Ooh so who is it then?" I played along with him and pretended to believe he was not the main culprit.

 "I saw it like this when I came in. Please don't tell mother".

 "I won't I won't. But if it is as you said then I will have to say it is weird. Don't worry brother, I'll just tell mom to lock this place till they find out what it is that crashed it. Right?"

 He quickly shook his head and uttered cleverly. "Don't worry I am working on it too. Just promise not to tell mom alright."

 I rolled my eyes and put down the pretense "So the next thing you do when you lose is destroy the game pad? Where did you learn that from Hun? You're so going to get grounded" I harrumphed to push my point before turning around to leave.

 "Wait. Wait sis. Please don't. Pretty please..." I thought he looked adorable when he pouted but still put up a though front. He was right where I wanted him.

 "Aah, that would be quite difficult, but how about this, you help me distract dad, for about ten minutes. He is receiving a call in the lobby, so you can check him there. Remember, make sure he is unable to come upstairs within the next ten minutes alright?"

    He didn't even think about it before agreeing and that was because he feared mom's punishment too much that he would do anything to avoid it.


 I had kept track on my dad every night I came home from school before today and knew his habits as the palm of my hand.

 From ten to twelve, he would be in his study. During that period, he receives a call at least thrice and would always bring out a file, not particularly one since I guessed the person was probably his subordinate.

 He only brought home highly rated cases, because his office had once been burnt down, and most of the documents he was working on at that time were all burnt down to ashes. However, it didn't have a grave effect on him, since his name had already been widely known but since then he had been taking safety measures.

 I also noticed that he never went near his safe, which meant it was just for show and what he used the most was the last drawer on his desk. There were no security cameras inside his study, so it was just safe for me to sneak in.

    Sneaking inside, I walked to his hanger and removed the key to the drawer from his suit pocket then unlocked the drawers. One after the other, I searched through it, careful not to leave signs of being rummaged. 

 I clicked my tongue when I finally found the one I was looking for and without hesitation snapped the content on my phone. I was about to lock back the lockers when I heard footsteps.

 Shit. At that moment of jittery, I fumbled with the keys when suddenly my hands shook and the keys fell down. The footsteps halted and I knew I was screwed.

I quickly return the key back inside his suit pocket and walked to the door then removed the key from the lock and gently put it on the floor in the same minute I quickly ripped part of my cloth.

 I knew there was no way I could leave here unnoticed, so I might as well stage an act to avert suspicions.


 "Oh my God Cat you had me scared, I thought it was a burglar in there"

 "Am sorry I didn't mean to scare you. I thought I heard your voice inside and just wanted to say hi and then the door handle accidentally ripped my cloth and ooh the key" I pretended to have just noticed it and picked it up, before standing up.

 "Ooh so it is like that. I indeed was here but had to go downstairs to receive a call" So what is it you wanted to talk me about Hun. You normally don't care whether and am in or not" he teased, and I blushed, not in Embarrassment but in fear that he might get a clue. I have to say, it wasn't easy to deceive a lawyer but because the person is my dad, he was vulnerable to my lies...

 "I. I." I pretend to stutter "You know that's not true dad, I love you the most so naturally, I care. I have just been busy with school and all" I faked filial peity and hugged him. 

 "Aww. OK. Don't let your mom hear that, she would get jealous and as much as I would like to see her be like that, I can't handle the aftermath" he joked, and I laughed.

I faked a yawn and said "hah am so hungry, I'll go eat breakfast now"

 "Tell your mom I'll be there after sorting these files"


   Third Person P.O.V

 In the darkness, the shadow of a chair could be seen rocking back and forth, and if one looked closer, one could clearly see that there was someone on it.

 Suddenly a thunderclap was heard and the light illuminated the face of the mysterious person.

 "Have you found those bastards?" As it appeared, there was another person with him. But his face was hidden well in the darkness and only his faint voice could be heard.

 "Yes young Master, after two years of playing hide-and-seek, the couple were finally busted in a subway underground near city X. I have ordered the men to torture them till they confess"

 "Their two years of playing hide-and-seek was clearly due to your incompetence. Know your prey before going after it. This phrase do you know what it means? " The voice was somehow nonchalant but at the same time overbearing.

    "Tssk. No need. I am heading to city X myself. Prepare the next flight and if that old man asks, just tell him I went on a vacation or something." He ordered and the other which probably was his subordinate, nodded.

 "Rose, I thought you were so smart after all." There was no reply from the other which meant the person lurking in the dark had probably gone to carry out the orders given by his boss.

 "Ouch it's freezing." the cold voice uttered to himself childishly as he left the room in hastened footsteps but not before groaning when his leg hit something.

"Arrgh! Not again!!"

Needless to ask, it was still the same person, just different personalities? 

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