Chapter 3

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A pair of beautifully blue Hyacinth macaws awoke Alexis and the others; they began to rise to a gorgeous canopy of deep-green trees calmly swaying in the breeze. As they started to truly get up they were welcomed by a chorus of elegant and magnificent organisms, from the beautiful harmonies of the birds, to the vast fritinancy of the peculiar insects.

"Breakfast anyone?" Gola asked, he had been up early, enjoying the sensational sunrise, and had already prepared breakfast. "Today's special, a papaya and milk from coconuts!" Gola joked.

"Awesome! Thank you mate, come on guys, this is so nice!!" Hasan exclaimed. The others emerged from their tents and joined Hasan and Gola on the ground, near the struggling, almost distinguished fire. Eventually the papayas were eaten and the coconut milk had been enjoyed, the group went back to their respective tents, collected their wash bowls that had been filled with the night's rain, washed, and finally changed into their day clothes.

"Right, are we all ready to venture down south for these shards then?" Michael asked, collecting his pick from inside his tent.

"Yes, let's go!" The rest said in unison. They each gathered their bow and arrows, and set off to the south.

"Hey wait a minute, what's that?" Alexis said, she had noticed a camouflaged camera lens hidden in a small tree on the path out of the camp. She slowly brushed leaves off it and it revealed a camera. "Guys!" She said in intrigue.

"What?" Michael exclaimed, confused. "That's creepy but it must have been done with the best intentions, the Tyrant must be using these for safety!" Michael said.

"Well he bloody certainly wasn't keeping a watchful eye on Alexis and me last night, we almost died!" Hasan cried.

"Here's another one too! What's that up there? You see?" Gola asked. He pointed up in another tree, and next to this camera there was something else.

"That's a tannoy speaker, my father used to operate them in Konsor! Why is it here though? This is eerie..." Sebastian looked puzzled.

"Don't worry guys; he's probably just doing it for safety like with the cameras!" Gola added, "Come on let's go down South." He continued.

"Alright come on, something doesn't quite seem right though..." Michael replied, unsure about the camera's and tannoy speaker's real purpose.

They passed various opulent plants and as a slight mist began to roll in, they finally began to come to a descending, but thickening stream; they continued down the hill and followed the stream as it began to augment. The species of plants and animals changed, the group started to notice more herbivores such as monkeys, sloths, capybaras, lemurs, and the odd deer gracing the group with it's beautiful presence. They even noticed burrowing armadillos and some sleeping koala bears. The grass lengthened and thickened and the jungle became more claustrophobic.

* * * * *

Michael waved his fingers through a small pool; creating slight ripples "Wait, what are these?! Guys! I think you should come and take a look at this..." He bellowed in excitement. The others quickly stumbled over. After hours of searching, the group finally began to be hopeful of success again. Michael had acknowledged small turquoise edges that had emerged from the muddy perimeter of the transparent pool. The others crouched down and attempted to examine the edges properly. Gola caressed the mud off and cleaned the few turquoise pebbles through the water, leaving a concave hole in the mud cliff by the mini pond.

"Wow! They are absolutely incredible! Let me see! Guys, guys, it's the Tyrant's shards!!" One of the participants screamed in intrigue, the shards continued to shine in the intense sunlight, for almost a minute the six survivors just sat there mesmerised by the magnificent shards before them.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Feb 24, 2015 ⏰

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