Chapter 1

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Alexis' father died when she was little, and her mum abandoned her soon after; she lived with her Grandma in the country, purposefully isolated from the corrupt city of Konsor, for her Grandma always said: 'to be alone is to be in company'. Alexis never understood that, but at the age of nineteen she was mature enough and educated enough to know that her Grandma was a wise woman. They shared a cramped, deteriorated cabin in the desolate landscape isolated from the city-folk; it was erected in 2048; the time of the third great depression, and was almost a century old. Before the near-extinction of man her Grandma liked to collect memorial plates; her earliest one dating back to the 1940s, it must have been worth a fortune now but nor Alexis or her Grandma knew what a fortune was anymore, after all they hadn't even touched money for at least a decade. They were satisfied with market stall trading, and would go to Konsor, against their will, every seventh day. The conditions were treacherous but it was a journey they had to take, the Konsorians were unpleasant, and the beggars, truants, and corpses peppered upon the roadside were revolting.

She lived in a world of curiosity and content, but also fear as the Tyrant's henchmen scoured the land and unjustly bullied the people. They were corrupt and sickening but were willing to do the Tyrant's dirty work in hope for salvation when the Tyrant was called by God to rule all of the land at last; or so they thought, they almost worshipped him. The Tyrant had thick, shoulder length hair; it was jet black but had rare streaks of silver; a sign of old age, the people thought he must have at least witnessed sixty summers but his hair said otherwise. He looked a tired man but groomed himself spectacularly, his unusual attractiveness deceived all. He wore the same infamous brown boots which were streaked with mud every day, they complimented his brown trench-coat, apparently a gift from God so he said.

Alexis always wanted to know what the city, Konsor, was actually like, she went every week but it seemed superficial; and anyway, they only visited the very front as her Grandma forbidded staying there for long. Her Grandma had told her about it as bed-time stories in the past to conceal it's monstrosity, Alexis had heard many a tale and didn't even know what to believe anymore; but she still had faith in the people so wanted to believe it wasn't as derelict and dangerous as she'd heard and seen. The rumours were accurate. Konsor was a baron wasteland, sand sweeping the ancient city, consuming it. The buildings were skeleton-like but populated, many Konsorians were attracted to the city as they had heard such amazing things, that it was a haven; a safe, free city. It was humid, the temperature rarely dropping below fourty-five degrees centigrade. It was lifeless, neglected, and depleted. Where corruption ruled and as did selfishness. One can see why Alexis' Grandmother didn't want to be part of it.

Alexis was content with her basic life. It was never going to get any better; but that's because it couldn't get worse either. She didn't mind and was optimistic, but she knew that had to change when her Grandma would die. She would have to settle down with somebody; but without being exploited and related to the people the only thing she could settle down with was a bloody cactus. She often got bored of the same routine, every day of every month, every month of every year; but knowing the dangers of Konsor she thought she ought to stay put until maybe she prepared for such a venture. She wanted to travel the world! Well what was left of it. Pockets of civilisation here and there. The world was a bitter place and had no room for dreamers or believers anymore, maybe the old world, but that was long gone.

Alexis' appearance was peculiar and intriguing, it was a miss-match. Those amazing, baby-blue eyes; magnificent, majestic; they were enigmatic and enigmas often invaded Alexis' young mind. She had witnessed nineteen summers, going on twenty. Slender arms, a innocent yet disturbed face, and such a distinct look; a look of loneliness, despair, hopelessness. Alexis had been born into a land of hatred and bewilderment. She had no friends except from her deteriorating Grandma, who she often had to care for. Her life was a waste, Her beauty was a waste. She was a waste.

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