Epilogue (Very Short)

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Its been years since the battle between Master and All Might.

Katsu and I got together.

The League Of Villains are still widely known.

Instead of going to jail I had to learn to be a hero but in all honesty I didn't care.

Everything is going well.

Most people excepted me but not everyone.

When my debut as a pro hero came I told everyone in Japan about my past.

People understood my situation.

I put All Might and Kai back together.

Everyone from the League Of Villains except myself are still together.

They just don't cause as much trouble as we used to.

Life was great.

Hey guys, sorry it's a weird epilogue. I hope you enjoyed this lil chappy. Sorry I didn't update yesterday. I was super busy and didn't have time. Until next time. Plus Ultra!

Published: 1/23/20

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