Ch. 1: Class 1A

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It's not the very first day but I honestly don't care.

I walk into UA.

I go find my classroom.

The Hero Course: Class 1A.

I wait for Shota Aizawa aka Eraserhead aka my homeroom teacher to announce me.

"Hello class. As you all know we have a new student. You may come in now." Eraserhead says.

i walk into the room.

"Hello. My name is Sakiko Yamanaki. Where do I sit?" I ask.

"You can sit next to Shoto Todoroki." He says.

Before Shoto Todoroki can raise his hand, I walk to the empty desk.

After a minute class starts.

Time skip.

It's lunch and I go to the cafeteria.

I sit down by myself.

Suddenly I get a call.

"What do you need Tomu?" I ask.

"There's an emergency. Look on the news. Come to the bar asap." He says.

Then he hangs up.

I check the news.

'All For One, Caught And Put Into Prison At Tartarus!'

I call Tenko.

"What the fuck!? How did this happen!?" I yell.

"we were on a mission. Next thing we know he's in jail. Please help. You're the only one who can help .. We all know that." He says.

"I'm on my way." I say.

I hang up.

I look and see everyone from my class blocking my path.

I sigh.

I stand on the table and back flip over them all.

I run out.

I teleport to the bar.

I snap my fingers and change.

I snap my fingers and change

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"Let's go!" I yell.

Kurogiri teleports me to All For One's cell.

I throw my knives at the cameras.

I burn the quirk canceling chains.

I quickly text Kurogiri.

He opens his portal.

Just then guards break down the door.

"See ya Fuckers!" I yell.

We go through and Kurogiri closes the portal.

"Boom." I say.

I snap my fingers and change back into the uniform.

I teleport to the roof and run into the classroom.

Just then the bell signalling that lunch is over rings.

Time skip.

After a while the last bell rings.

I walk to an empty alley and teleport to the bar.

I check for tracking devices.


After a while I go to bed.

Hey guys, I hope this slightly makes up for the really short Prologue. Until next time. Plus Ultra!

Published: 12/29/19

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