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"I've been what? Uncle Sev, you can't be serious. It was just a crazy curse," Draco shot up in bed and immediately noticed his pain. He screamed and fell down. 

"Draco, I think its time I tell you who made that curse," Severus paused in his painting a few seconds before continuing. "I made the spell but let me explain. When I was a young boy like you I was filled with hate from James Potter and his friends. I made it because of jealousy and hate. With that came a plan, an evil plan, of violence. A contract actually. The person that cast the curse, depending on the power of hatred, can cause the victim to be cursed," The portrait sighed and continued. "In this case, Mr. Weasley's complete hatred for you caused you to only have another few days to live. Since you were in a coma, your time ends on Saturday. The only way to save yourself is to marry your true love. You have until midnight tonight before your body starts to deteriorate or decompose until you are nothing but a pool of blood."

If Draco wasn't scared before, he was now. He had to get a wife? And in less than twelve hours? He loved Hermione but what if she wasn't the one for him? What if she secretly liked someone else and only hung out with him because she felt bad for him. All of these seeds of doubt started to get planted in Draco's mind. Soon he would have a garden of negativity. 

"Uncle Sev?" He turned his head to the portrait. His uncle was waiting in the chair. "I need your portrait friends to find Hermione Granger immediately."

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