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The past month had felt like a purgatory. Zion couldn't really remember life before Teddy, that thought used to terrify him at first, until it became his reality. The PT life, post-Teddy as Brandon so sassily called it, still a little angry at his band mate, well, sucked. It was just harder now, especially after he realised she was spending time with Ash which meant, inevitably her ex was around. Or was that his label now? Honestly Z had no idea, he was frustrated constantly as he drafted text after text or hoped to catch her walking through the door at every kickback he convinced the boys to have at least twice a week. Fair to say everyone was getting tired of his moping but there was no end in sight.

"Cmon I think some spanish flavour would be sick" Edwin protested as the discussed the upcoming ep. "That's just not the direction we're taking this one in bro" B shrugged from his spot at the head of the table. He stared at the tallest member, zoned out while staring at the wall. "what material do you have Z?" He pushed, snapping him out of his head. "I don't know, most of it is some depressing shit" Zion mumbled, hands playing with his hair. "Let's hear it" nick encouraged him, having spent the last four weeks looking over his depressed friend. "Might be good to get that shit off your chest" the boys all nodded, eyeing him. He blew out air in exasperation, "alright, just...don't tell me if it sucks cause I can't be taking anymore ls right now" Z confessed, flipping his tattered notebook open.

It was another pm party, Z hang around near the entrance, anxiously staring between the door and his watch. It had become a comfortable routine, pretend to be interested in what people coming in had to say for two hours, eyes searching every brunette who passed through in hopes of a familiar face before he'd retreat to his room, shoulders slumped in defeat. "She's away you know" he wasn't sure when Maggie sneaked up on him, "she's working on a campaign in London" she clarified, having caught the lost puppy like expression which crossed his face. "Oh..." he swallowed the disappointment, preparing to spend the rest of the night locked away. "I think...I know she misses you too, it's just hard right now" The dark haired girl reassured him. "Has she told you that?" His tone was self deprecating as he swallowed the last of the poison in the cup. Maggie shrugged, "didn't have to" right, he thought. "You both have that same lost look about you" her comment threw him off, having not realised how pathetic of a job he must've done at hiding it. The dread head took a few steps in the direction of the stairs, ignoring his friends words. "Is I just acting the fool waiting?" The words spilled out before he could control them, turning around to face the sympathetic girl again. Maggie shrugged "I can't promise you T is going to come back" his shoulders sagged further at the revelation he has tried hard to ignore. "I think you would be stupid to not wait her out though. She'll come around, I genuinely believe that" she offered, eyes finding her boyfriend laughing in the crowd. "What makes you so sure" Z grumbled anxiously, it was a foreign concept to Maggie, the cool and collected boy so scrambled wasn't a familiar sight before their mutual friend entered the picture. Her analysing eyes softened, "because she doesn't hate you Zion, I don't think she ever will" with that, she was gone in the crowd.

FINE LINE -  Zion Kuwonuحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن