Until 3 unclean, unkempt wolves were circling them.

Dad jumped up standing over his mate protectively. but one tackled dad and the other two dragged his mate away toward the edge of the clearing. She screamed out and shifted going to protect herself but she got pinned to the ground. Dad killed the one that tackled him. His eyes grew big and his heart stopped. His mate was being raped before his eyes he charged calling the pack for help. The bigger one barreled dad into a tree. A sickening crack was heard. Dad went limp and his heart grew smaller. The string connecting them snapped.
Thundering paws came and tackled the two wolves killing them both. Dad walked slowly to his now dead mate he laid beside her and cried.

I pulled out of his mind and looked at him with blurry eyes. I blinked and shook my head as a migraine grew. 

"Dad did you bring me into your mind?" I asked, he nodded "I'm so sorry you went through that." I whined. Dad came and hugged me. I saw Susan staring at me. Dad pulled away "So that's the reason your scars aren't healed." he nodded.

" Well now that the cats out of the bag I'll be packing my bags don't see why I should stay, I mean look he's more in love with you than me." Susan said dad hadn't move to stop her.

The sound of a thread snapping echoed in my ears, as my dad knelt down in front of me.

" Aurora, I vowed to protect you and be by your side one hundred percent of the way." Dad said, I smiled at least I could count on dad.

' Let's go for a walk?' he nodded and shifted. We walked out of the house and went toward the clearing. Alpha Brody was out there. I trotted up to him. He turned and gave a wolfish grin.

"Hello Princess or should I say Queen." he said bowing

' Please Alpha Brody. Stop.' I giggle slightly embarrassed as on lookers stopped to watch the interaction. He chuckled, and our Luna walked up to us she bowed as well. Dear goddess someone smite me.

"Well honey when are you gonna go rule your kingdom?" she asked.

"Next week hopefully!" I stated.

"Well that's wonderful, Aurora!' Alpha Brody looked so proud.

' If you don't mind I'm actually going to go home now.' I said not liking the growing attention. They bowed again laughing. Dad dropped me off at the cave opening.

I had gotten home and was alone. Something I was used to since we had gotten settled. Everyone was working, or out and about. I got dressed and made it to the kitchen when the front door opened. I got out Polish Sausage, Onions, Tomatoes and Bow-Tie Pasta. I slice and diced the sausage and tomatoes and onions. The water came to a boil and I poured in the pasta and cooked the sausage and onions with the tomatoes. After the pasta finished I drained it and mixed it together. I let it cool and went to the living room almost everyone was there.

" Hey guys" they smiled greeting me back.

Camden walked in with a blond girl at his side I sniffed and smelt alcohol something else wafting in my nose I couldn't place it. My wolf didn't like this she was a queen now, not an omega anymore and her man was hers. I growled. Everyone looked at me I slapped a hand over my mouth looking away embarrassed.

Everyone knew I was out of character since I woke from my coma. My omega pushed my alpha side down and I sat next to Ryan looking down. A loud moan rang through the house I covered my ears. Ryan rubbed my back comfortingly. A vampires bite is pure pleasure but this didn't seem right and I didn't have the heart to stop it.

Timothy and Tommy got up walking up the stairs and soon yelling was heard a girl screaming and soon utter quietness. The girl came down like a ghost pale white and walked out without a word. She had been glamoured but she hadn't smelt of arousal or sex.

Camden on the other hand was thrown down the stairs he growled but Tommy held him in place with an invisible hold. I stood and made my way to the kitchen. I began to plate the food and set the on the dinning room table. I set the sliver wear for myself and glasses for my family. I poured blood in all but my glass and poured chocolate milk. I walked back to the living room.

" Dinners ready." walking back and taking my seat at the head of the table.

Everyone walked in awkwardly and sat Camden sat at the other end of the table. It didn't really surprise me.

Dinner continued everyone in their own conversation. I cleared my throat and everyone stared at me.

" Um I have an announcement." I paused they all looked at me. " I wanna move into the palace. I mean my kingdom needs me." I said while staring at my plate.

" Are you sure" Ellie asked.

" Yes it's time I see where I come from. Besides I'm sure being a Queen is a lot like being an Alpha how hard could it be" I said playing with my food.

" Well when do you plan to leave?" Edison said.

" A week.." I heard a glass breaking. I looked up and saw it wasn't from the table but from the kitchen Ellie, Angel, and Brenda surrounded me protectively and the boys went to go check it out soon gun shots were heard.

" Hunters!" Tommy yelled. I was pulled into arms and rushed downstairs. I mind linked my father,

"Daddy hunters have striked help!!!"

"The packs coming sweetheart get to a safe place."  He said sounding out of breath.

' I am.'

Soon howls were heard and I held on to who ever it was. I sniffed and it was Camden. The room we were in the door was busted down and a hunter looked at Camden, He raised his gun. I shot up and stood in front of him.

" Aurora no." Camden went to shove me behind him I cleared my throat and stood my ground.

" Drop the gun" I ordered nothing I closed my eyes and had a deep breath.

" I said drop the fucking gun!" Feeling my eyes glowing.


Here you go hot cakes hope you love it c:

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