The First Dream

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There I saw the willow trees,

Pink and purple swaying in the wind

With branches dangling down to my feet

Touching my face with its bare hands

And I looked over to the running stream

Along the river, the water flows

With wind blowing mixed with snow

The water's clear and glowing

I feel my body floating

Lie down on a wooden boat

Holding onto my velvet coat

which wrapped me into its warm embrace

Where I drift off to sleep.


 I wore a white dress

the ones that girls will always love

flowing fabric down to my knees

The boat gently rocking

I feel like I'm flying!

The feeling I thought I'd never had

is here right now I'm feeling.

This moment of my life

I know I won't cry

Quiet, calm and soundless

The boat continues to sail around

A boy appeared faraway

My vision blurried

surrounded by a shade of grey

and a touch of dreamlike shade

I saw the mesmerizing eyes

Blue green mixed with hazel

My eyes glued to his

I feel like I'm all revealed

He is looking into my soul

I don't know who he is

But I want time to stop just at this moment

And forever begins now

Yet let me continue to stay with him.

Touches from him,

are like butterflies in my stormach

Have I fallen in love?

So fast, Just in a blink of an eye?

I don't know anymore

And let the dream continue....

╰☆╮ A/N  ╰☆╮

Hey:DD what do you guys think about it? bad? need improvement? nice? Tell me anything:)) I know this is sort of really weird and crazy but as I say, this is a D-R-E-A-M, it's meant to be nonsense with everything impossible and confusion mixed together :D 

p.s Vote and Comment? :)

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