He's coming

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"All of you are hurt except me. Logan has the keys to the gate. If you three get the gate and unlock it you'll be okay. Since I'm not hurt I can go the opposite way and distract him" I said

"He'll kill you" Zoe said

"If we stay here we all die and that means everyone else died for no reason but if I go you guys can get out and at least we didn't just sit here and die you'll have a chance" I said

"We're not just going to let you die" Will said

"I'm the only chance y'all have so please at least take it who knows I might make it" I said knowing I was lying

"Lola no" Logan said

"I'll go outside and lead him into the woods, you, will, and Zoe unlock the gate and go get the cops everything will be fine" I said

"No" Zoe said

But I ignored her

"Please don't make me regret this" I said then stood up

"Don't worry about me focus on getting out" I said to Zoe then hugged her

"Lolita" Will said

"Yes William" I asked with a smile

"Don't stop running and please don't trip on air" he said

"Noted" I said with a smile

I turned to Logan

"You can't think of anything else" he asked

"This is the only way" I said

"You've always had my heart" he said then kissed me

"And now you have mine"I said hugging him tightly

I sighed then walked out the door. Once I was downstairs I noticed it was raining again. Wow dramatic effect. I ran out the door and began screaming

"I'm out here come get me" and with that I heard him running my way

Dead night Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora