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*The day of the trip*

Let me wear the purple crop top" I told Zoe

"That's what I'm wearing" she said

"Zoe come on it will look so good with these jeans" I said while turning around

"Ugh fine" she said then threw the shirt at me

I smiled then put it on

"Thanks" I said then blew her a kiss

"Bitch" she said then grabbed her bags

We heard a horn honk and when I looked outside I saw Logan's car. We put our bags in the car then headed to the school.

"I'm actually really excited " Logan said

"To see a creepy house" I asked

"Yeah I think it's cool not to mention I heard it's haunted" Logan said with wide eyes

"Why are we even staying at the house" I asked

"Because it's a place that's believed to be haunted and it's a good way to get out of school" Zoe said with a laugh

We pulled up to school then grabbed our bags. It was 6:45 in the morning so everyone was quiet, Mr smith and Ms.katie walked into the cafeteria and called everyone's names then 3 minutes later the buses pulled up

"She's coming" I asked while looking at Ms. Katie

She had blond hair with blue eyes and a supermodel body. She's perfect and I know Mr. smith thinks so just by the way he's looking at her. I should call his wife.

"Yeah" Zoe answered as we got onto the bus

I sat by the window and Zoe sat next to me and Logan sat behind me

"So why are we going to his mansion again" I asked

"Stop asking Lola" Logan said rolling his eyes

"Give me a better answer then Logan" I snapped

"It's where some rich lady lived in the 1800s and people got murdered in the middle of the night that's all I fucking know" Logan said

"Okay but what does that have to do with us" I asked

"We were supposed to go to sea world but it ended up Flooding" Zoe  said

"So some creepy ass mansion was the next option" I said with a sigh

"I guess so" Zoe said with a shrug

I knew it was going to be a long drive so I put in my AirPods and put on my Lana del Ray playlist. Before I knew it I was fast asleep.

"We're here" Zoe said while smacking my shoulder

"How long was I out" I asked while rubbing my eyes

"3 hours" she said

We got off the bus and I nearly passed away from the sight of the big ass house

"This shit is huge" Logan said

"Alright everyone Grab your bags and let's go inside" Mr. Smith said while dangling the keys to the house

We grabbed our shit then headed into the house

"How did you get the keys smitty" Will asked from behind us

I didn't know Will like that but he was funny and cute. He had blond hair and dark brown eyes and a nice body may I add. I laughed quietly and Mr smith rolled his eyes

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