Its all fine

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Everyone was reacting differently. Smith and Katie were whispering to each other while Talia and Elle were crying. Zoe and Logan were looking like they were about to take a duo shit and Will kept looking out the window. Arron was pacing around like an addict with an itch and everyone else Was too busy trying To call their parents.

"Arron please stop pacing" Terry yelled

"Don't you get it we're going to die" Arron yelled

"No" was all Zoe said

"We're going to be fine" smith said

Everyone started yelling at each other but I was blocking them out for the most part

"Lola" Logan said

"Lola" he said again

I hadn't  realized how spaced out I was

"Are you okay" he asked

"Do you think I'm fucking okay Logan" I snapped

"Guys look arguing won't fix anything everybody is going to be fine" Katie said

"Stop fucking saying that when you know it's not true" I yelled

"We're safe as long as we're inside" Katie said

"You don't know that" Zoe said

"None of us knows who killed Brock and as far as we know it could be more than one person so who says were safe when the killer is probably in the room to us" Zoe said

"Okay let's just calm down" smith said

"Arron don't you think it's funny how you just so happen to stumble across the body" Zoe said

"Don't put this on me I was just going smoke" Arron said

"Yeah sure" Zoe said

"Well Will Gave me the weed so maybe he had something to do with it and wanted to make me look bad" Arron said

"Will was with me the whole time" I said

"Maybe you two did it together" Talia said

"Would you shut the fuck up you dumbass bitch" I snapped

"Who are you calling a bitch you freak" Talia snapped back

"You stupid dumbass ass bitch I will really fuck you up regardless of the situation" I barked

"Okay gothic Barbie and Hannah Montana take it down a notch" terry said

"We don't know who did it so none of us are safe" Zoe said

We all began glaring at each other

"I bet it was terry" Elle yelled

"What why" Logan asked

"I don't know we're all accusing someone so I accused Terry" she said

"WE'RE GOING TO DIE" Will yelled

"We just need to calm down" someone whispered

"Who the fuck was that" Arron yelled

"Me" someone said

Just then from somewhere in the living room a small kid with red hair appeared

"Who the hell are you" I asked

"Caleb" he said

"Well Caleb who the fuck are you" Arron asked

"I'm a freshmen but I'm in 11th grade classes and I couldn't go skating with the freshmen because I'm allergic to the cleaning supplies they use on the rink so Mr. smith let me come" he said

"Okay well thanks for telling us to calm down but we already heard that enough" Zoe snapped

"I think we should all try and get to the bus" he said

We all looked at each other then Mr. smith said

"You guys stay here and I'll go outside and start the bus then when it's clear you all need to run okay"

He then grabbed the keys and slowly opened the door then ran out. We watched him run to the bus. He looked at it then back at us with wide eyes.

"The fucking tires are slashed"terry hollered

Just then Smith began running back to the house but before he could pig boy came out the woods and grabbed him. He tried to run but couldn't because before we knew it the pig boy grabbed him by the head and began smashing it into the glass window. Everything was going in slow motion. All I remembered was the blood slowly going onto the window

I tried to run to him but Logan grabbed me

"Let me go please I have to help him let me go" I cried as more blood went onto the glass

I watched in horror as the pig man smashed his head into the window and his head exploded. Blood splattered everywhere and Mr. smith went limp. At this point I was no longer screaming but I remember falling down as everyone else screamed.

"Lola Lola Lola" Logan said but I couldn't talk

All I could hear was my screams and all I could see was the blood soaked window. I knew it was over.

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