Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Woodstown is so small that of course it does not have its own hospital, but on the other hand, it does have the medical centre. That is exactly where my lucky self is.

After we watched Caleb get escorted away, Officer Daniels and Willmont told Aaron and I that we would have to go to the lovely Woodstown Medical Centre. He said our wounds weren't bad enough to be sent to the hospital a few towns over but under their rules, we had to get some treatment.

I haven't been able to leave Aaron's side since. It's already been a few hours but I can't stand the thought of him being out of sight. I feel things strange and overpowering need to protect him. God, I love him so much. It's pathetic. I thought I was coming to this stupid town to get over the gayness, or at least do a better job at hiding it than I did in my previous city.

Instead, here I am obsessed and completely in love with another guy. I never thought this day would come. I honestly never thought that I would find another guy that was gay, let alone one that likes me and I like him. 

It almost makes me speechless to be honest. 

The nurse cleaned Aaron and I up. I ushered her to take care of Aaron before me. His wounds are significantly worse than mine are.

I watched him bite his lip as she stitched a long cut above his left eyebrow. I watched him try his est not to squeeze his eyes hut even though I knew he wanted to so badly. 

The nurse held his hair back with her hands so she could access his wound and that was honestly like the first time I ever saw his forehead. 

Why is he so perfect that even his forehead is beautiful? 

I wanted to hold his hand but I didn't want to imply that I thought he was being a baby or that he was weak. He's none of those things. He's one of the strongest people I know.

Aaron is someone who radiates leadership and independence. He's calm and collected and warm but he's also keeps to himself and only says what needs to be said.

It's amazing to see someone who has their shit together so well.

The nurse finished cleaning me up quickly before Willmont and Daniels walked into our room. The two of us sat on the ledge of a bed as they pulled back the curtain to unveil the two of us.

"Hello boys," Willmont said in a grave voice.

"Regretting anything, officers?" I ask them with a smirk. Aaron snorts and elbows me in the ribs as a way of telling me to behave.

"I believe we owe you two an apology." Daniels says as they each pull out a chair and sit on them.

"We talked with the other witnesses regarding what you told us before you, uh, ran out of the station." Willmont explains to me.

"I figured," I say with a tight expression. I don't know how to react right now. I glance at Aaron and watch as he watches the two officers closely.

"We just haven't dealt with a situation such as this before," Willmont goes on. I nod in understandment. I do understand, of course they weren't prepared for things like this. The worst they had to deal with was petty theft and vandalism.

Aaron and I told the two officers our stories from our point of view. Aaron explained how Caleb asked him to meet in the treehouse and if he didn't come, Caleb would've hurt me badly. I frown as Aaron tells his story. He went through all of that just for me. He looks at me two as he explains to him how afraid he was of me getting hurt. I grab his had with a frown.

So many emotions are running through me. It's almost too overwhelming to feel love for someone so powerful. It feels like my heart might explode in my chest. It's as if I can feel the heat of the blood running through my veins and the slow growth of my hair expanding from my skull. I can feel every detail and everything in my body. I am completely aware of its power.

I'm dragged from my thoughts by Daniels rough voice, "Now Bellamy, you will be facing some property damage charges if you and your parents don't agree to pay for the window you cut through."

"How much do you think that would cost?" I ask the two men, relatively scared of the price.

"About twenty dollars for a screen," Willmont says. This has me smiling with a long breath of relief.

"Drop those charges, boys." I say, with the same smile on. They actually grin a bit as they take note of it.

"You two have some people here to see you," Daniels says before the open the door and leave. As soon as the two men walk out, a group of four walk in; Toby, Azul, Bentley and Mia.

My heart can't help but beat fast as I see the other boys. I know that we were fighting but I have to remind myself that they didn't do anything. Except for the fact that I think it was Toby who took that picture of Aaron and I kissing on my front porch.

"Hey guys," Aaron says sweetly.

"We're so sorry," Toby says, tears pool in my his eyes as he looks at us for forgiveness. Azul stands there quietly but filled with sorrow and regret. Bentley is frowning but I think he knows we forgive them.

"Its okay, man." I say to Toby. He groans and hugs me tightly. I'm surprised by the hug at first but after a few moments, I wrap my arms around him.

"I took the picture and I sent it to him," Toby cries. "But I didn't know what he was going to do with it. I took it because I was pissed off and sent it to the other guys to talk shit."

"Toby, it's okay. We forgive you," Aaron says as he rubs Toby's arm. Azul and Bentley come up to us and before we know it, we're in one big group hug.

As if we couldn't get gayer.

"You guys are so cute!" Mia squeals and runs up to us to join our group hug. I hold her close to me.

I have these four amazing friends and an amazing boyfriend. This is all I ever wanted in my entire life.

There's only one thing left to do and that's telling Aaron that I love him. Oh god.



Only one chapter left guys!!! Holy shit I am so nervous to end this story!

Like and comment telling me what you guys thought! I appreciate everyone's support so much!! 


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