He bit his lip in concentration as he held the saber up in the air.

"How does it feel?" I whispered.

"Glorious," He grinned.


"It feels like it was made for me."

I shivered. Something about his tone felt so seductive. I shook my head and started to walk away. I think I needed to go to the nearest bathroom. I took deep breaths and started to walk faster as the feeling in the pit of my stomach began to grow.

"Where are you going?" He yelled after me.

"Don't follow me, I'm just going to the bathroom."

"You mean the Privy?"

"For Christ sake's, yes, the Privy."

"No! Stay here!" I yelled at him.


"Just stay!"

There was a damn line, all the way around. I waited and tried to take deep breaths. Would everyone notice? I turned away from people and faced a hill. Why wasn't it going away? I hated that this started to happen. It was one of the worst feelings in the world. Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned around only to find Evan standing before me.

"Jesus," I said, abruptly flipping back around. "Could you go away?"

"What's wrong?"

"N-Nothing, I just need to pee."

"You're acting weird."

"Evan, get the fuck away."

That was the first time I had ever used that word and Evan just scoffed.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Why do you have to act like this at the Renaissance? Ass." He sighed and I could hear him walk away.

I got into the bathroom and sat on the toilet for a while as my erection slowly went away. Evan was nowhere to be found as I walked out. I knew he had to be pissed off. I just couldn't let him see it. I couldn't let the secret that I had kept for years just slip out in the matter of seconds. I tried to find Evan, but he must have been purposely trying to avoid me. I wandered through so many amazing shops. I bought a crown but hid it in my bag so that none of my classmates saw. It was a beautiful blue tiara with ribbons tied on the ends. I also bought Evan a skull ring that costed me an arm and a leg, but I wanted to get him something after what I had done to him today. I hope to god he wasn't trashing my ranger costume.

Suddenly I was passing a bar when I saw someone holding a microphone.

"T-This song is dedicated to my asshole friend. God, he's brilliant though," Evan slurred. "A-Anyways, Mel's faaavorite song, Paradise City by Guns N' Roses."

How did he manage to get drunk so fast? How did he get by without showing an ID?

"Take me down to the paradise city where the grass is green, and the girls are pretty," Evan suddenly paused and giggled into the microphone. "Sorry guys, didn't mean to stop, just wanted to add a side-note; I'm pretty damn sure that Mel is gay, so like, let's change up the lyrics for him... Take me down to the paradise city where the grass is green, and the guys are pretty."

Horrified, I backed out of the bar, and ducked into a nearby pottery shop. How did he know? Did he know anything else? I listened to his loud singing and finally he stopped, but he added another side-note.

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