As Ban put on a sinister smile, he said, "I guess I won't have to hold back when I kick your ass!" A loud smack could be heard across the land, and when Ban turned back to see what he had hit, he found it to be King's pillow. King's sudden escape confused him, but he brushed it off.

While perched on a crystal, King said, "you used to backhand me like that all the time in the old days."

Ban looked at King and said, "So you've come back to settle scores with us, or are you after some specific targets?". He narrowed his eyes at Ban's glare, saying, "back in the past, this would've been the very last thing I would've wanted for a reunion".

When King was talking, I suddenly got a headache as though a memory was being pushed inside my head...

| Memory |

King's voice came through the memory: "but when I was cast out, suspected of treason against the realm with nowhere to go, I decided to return to my homeland".

I could see the bigger version of King walking up the side of a mountain and taking off his helmet shortly after reaching the top.

"There, I discovered a heartbreaking sight: my homeland had been destroyed beyond recognition. I was in shock when I saw that the fairy forest had been burned down to ashes. Little recognizable remains remained, but I never expected it to be this bad."

By the end of the memory, the holder for the fountain of youth was completely empty and broken........

| End of Memory |

Having just gotten out of the memory where I had seen King's pillow strike Ban, I saw that Ban was now being held by a giant teddy bear.

Ban was struggling to get out, so I knew I had to intervene. Suddenly, the voice of King rang through my head: "when I was in the Sins with you, I never really thought about it....... why should a human-like you be unkillable?".

King stared directly at Ban with an emotionless face, saying, "I never once thought you killed the guardian of the fountain." As he began flying to Ban, Ban said, "wait a minute, how did you know about her?".

Angry, King grabbed the collar of Bans' jacket and said, "The girl you killed in the forest was my sister Elaine!"

King was struggling to hold back all the anger inside of him as Ban's eyes narrowed. There was a misunderstanding on both sides, and I felt bad for them.

Suddenly, King's face became calm and emotionless once again as he flew away from Ban while Ban teased, " I get it, you want to kill me to avenge her. But I can't be killed!".

Putting his hands behind his back, King looked at Ban with an unamused face before saying, "If you remember my secret treasure has a variety of abilities...oh right, if you're not interested, it goes in one ear and out the other".

I knew exactly where this was going. And so I jumped out from behind the crystal and said, "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

As I slowly made my way towards them, both males looked shocked to see me standing there. My gaze glared at King, and I began saying, "Neither of you are understanding, you both are lacking the complete picture.".

I glared at King, who yelled, "You don't know anything! You've never met my little sister. I have proof that he killed her!".

I gently spoke to him as I looked at him with a sad expression, "King, you have to believe me when I say that Ban did not kill Elaine!"

The HIDER ( Meliodas x Y/N )Where stories live. Discover now