My writing from third grade

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Here is something I wrote from 3rd grade. It's not finished, but it's here. You might see more of this old writing from me.



                               CHAPTER  ONE

 Hi, I’m Melissa Parker. I’m 15. I’m a straight A student. I have a 13 year old sister, Jane. My birthday is April 12 and my VERY best friend is Angel Brian. My other friends are Jessica Blaine, Donna Baker, John Brian ( Angel’s brother), and Becky White. I love math, pink, and makeup. I am a journalist in my school newspaper.

                              CHAPTER TWO

     Hey Gal,

 how u doing??? :)

Meet me @ table 10 4 lunch. TOP SECRET!!! 


I got a text after 4th period science, it was now lunch.

 Table 10 was a lunch table nobody sits at, being far away from other tables. We use it as a secret meeting place at lunch.

 I shuffled through my tote bag for lunch. 

Nothing!! I forgot to pack a sandwich! I put a hand in my pockets. 

$30.00 and some buttons. Enough for lunch.

 I lined up at the lunch line with the other people who forgot bagged lunches. 

I spotted the food. Gross! I saw the gray meatloaf and chunky mashed potatoes. 

That was all they had! I walked up to the lunch lady. 

“ Milk or Water?” 

“ Water, please.” 

I’ve learned never to order milk from school the hard way. The lunch lady plopped the disgusting food on my tray and I grabbed a fork and napkins. 

I paid the cashier and walked to table 10. 

“ Hey Gal!” my friends greeted me. “ Oh, gross.” Jessica saw my revolting lunch.

 “Forgot again?” 


Donna slipped her pizza to me. “Here, have a bite.” 

“Thanks.” I said, savoring the pizza slice.

“So, What’s up?” John asked. 

“Newbie. She seems cool.” Angel pointed at table 3.

 “She’s sitting at Sara and Maple’s Table!” 

Sara, the mean cheerleader for the school, along with cheerleader friend, Maple, were sitting with the new girl. 

She was a brunette, long, brown hair, complimented by big, green eyes. She wore a long, high-low skirt, with a loose, flowing top. She only wore mascara and lip gloss for makeup. 

She was different, in a good way.

The next day, rumors were flying across the school about the new girl. Her name is Lola Green, she loves all colors, all subjects, and she was friends with everyone in her old school.       

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