shenanigans ft. chlover

16 0 3

So I was on vacation, and had to leave the dog with a sitter, who would leave her in the house in the morning. We have this camera that's connected to my phone so we could watch Chloe when she was a puppy, and I missed her so I watched her sleep >:D

Anyways, I was messing with her by using the voice option on the camera app, which allows me to talk  to her  by projecting my voice from the camera. So I was all like "hai Chloe! I miss you!" while she was sleeping.

She woke up, with her ears high on her head, and then stared at the camera. I kept talking to her and she probably thought she was delusional or dreaming, so she ignored me and went back to sleep. 

Okay now I shall list all the nicknames I have for my dog.







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