The hills broke the windows with the sound of music

16 1 0

This is WAY too much to read xD

So, update time:

We had a school play, which was indicated by this chapter's title, The Sound of Music.

I auditioned as Maria for the part of Leisl, the oldest child, but didn't get the part. Or any part- I forgot a line! But the girl who was cast as Maria was a natural actress. And her cousin who was the Captain was pretty good too. My best friend asked if she could be cast as Tree #2. 

Each class had to sing a song, and we did two songs together as a whole school. All the French classes did "Comment résoudre le cas de Maria?" 

We kept speeding up as we were being told to slow down because people couldn't listen to the MUSIC AND THEY JUST DIDN"T CARE AN-sorry. At least we were better during the actual performance. We all got to wear white tops and black bottoms, and we all had these little green pieces of fabric that we could tie into headbands or ties. 

The actual performance wasn't that spectacular (there were no props or anything), but I heard that we can buy a DVD of the musical. 

Anyways, moving on...

Everyone in my class (except for like, 5 people out of the 30) was playing some sort of soccer-kicking-ball-against-wall game in front of our class at recess. I was just walking around the school with my friend when we passed the classroom, and I noticed that my teacher and a few other teachers were outside. I didn't know what was happening, and it didn't seem like anything too serious, so I kept walking.

Once I went back into the class, there was a supervisor in our class telling everyone to calm down, and how there was no serious damage. I obliviously  sat down at my desk and asked what happened. Turns out that someone had broken our window while playing that game. I didn't notice the gaping hole in our window until it was pointed out to me. 

Luckily my teacher didn't make a big deal about it, and actually started to joke about it to cheer up the person who felt bad about breaking the glass. 

So in conclusion, the past few days have been quite hectic for me. Also, I got my report card!

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