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Hi! Happy Belated St. Patrick's, Easter, Mother's, Father's, Canada, and Independence Day! 

Wow, I was gone a looonng time xD

How is your summer doing so far? I've been playing a lot on different Minecraft servers (Mineplex, The Hive, Hypixel, Antvenom's server, PhanaticMC, It'sJerryandHarry, and Garagecraft).

Off to see Minions! 

So I haven't really gone out this summer, so I might sometimes end up wearing the same clothes as the day before. Which is bad because I have to walk the dog. I'm worried that someone might see me with the same shirt on and the situation will go down like this:

"Hey, isn't that the same shirt as yesterday?"

"Um.....no! It was red yesterday."

"I'm pretty sure it was green like today."

"Um, well then you're colourblind!"


"Hehe nice to meet you again! See you later goodbye!" *storms off*

This is why I'm paranoid about that and always change my shirt. I know I sound like a slob xD

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