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I glance around the car, there were two infected in my path. I waited until at least one of them left.

I noticed the only one in my way had a leg injury. That could help me out a lot.

Instead of sprinting out I hesitated. This could kill me but I have to try. I sprint out and run into the zombie pushing it over. I could hear the dead screams behind me when they heard me.

I ran as fast as I could. The constant sound of the dead behind me got on my nerves.

Everything was going fine, until my path was blocked. A tall brick wall blocked me from survival. I panicked, there was no way around it.

I turned to the zombies that were thirsty for my blood. I prepare myself to fight when shots flew through the air from behind me.

I look up to see ada shooting them all down. She jumped down from the wall next to me.

She was different though, when did she have time to change into a purple dress?

I noticed She had a harness around her waist. She grabbed me and tugged on a rope. It rose us up to the top of the wall.

I reached for my gun the second I noticed Javo around us. Ada put her hand lightly on my gun and tugged it so I would put it away.

I put my gun back but I am ready to get it in a second if needed.

"What are they doing here?" I whisper to Ada as they wander around.

"They can be manipulated," she walked passed them. I followed close behind her. I didnt trust having the Javo around be it didnt look like I had a choice.

Ada acted different than before but she just saved my life so I will stay with her.

One of the Javo came up to her. He spoke a different language but she knew what he was saying.

The Javo walked away when a smirk went across her face. "What happened?" I questioned.

"Simmons is done..." She turned to me.

"Simmons? Derick Simmons?" My voice gets weary. Does she know I work for him?

"Simmons is the reason this whole thing is happening. He started the end." She spoke strongly.

I stayed quiet. Have I been working for the wrong person? It all started to make since, simmons did this.

Ada walked away from me I followed her, she went to the edge of the city. The docks were cold as water splashed up. I could see the BSAA running around on a ship.

"In that building," she pointed over "there is a sample in that building. If you help me get it I will keep you alive."

I nodded at her before she drawed her gun. I did the same when I followed her to the building.

It was cold inside but I could deal with it. We went into a room. It was empty besides a black brief case in the middle.

Ada grabbed the case and turned out of the room. There were BSAA agents in there. I thought it would be helpful but ada seemed nervous.

I followed her up stairs and to the roof of the building. I could hear heavy foot steps behind us.

"Freeze," we made it to the edge of the place. There was no where to go. I was sure I was going to die but I glanced over to Ada.

She was unfazed by the agents. It was a quiet stand off until the sound of a helicopter sweeped the area.

A single shot flew through the air and hit something. More like someone. Ada falls backwards and her body smacks down on the cement below.

I glance over the ledge at her lifeless body. The BSAA agents look over. They weren't focased on me.

They grabbed the case, there was only one sample inside but three slots for samples. If one was used on Simmons what was the other one used on?

The BSAA agent ran off and left me there. Why? Maybe they did not see me as a threat.

I go down the stairs and out the door. I approach adas body. I had no idea where to go or what to do now. I sat down on the ground when the door to the building opened behind me.

I draw my gun and point it at a woman. She looked like Ada except she was wearing all red. I lower my gun while she walked over calmly.

"I'm Ada Wong," she looked down at the body. "The real Ada Wong."

She bent down over the body, "Carla, if only you wanted revenge on just Simmons. I would have helped you.'

"Helped me?" My eyes grew big as the corps talked. It became clear, the missing vile was used on her. She rose up as white foam covered around her.

Ada went back to the building, I followed her shutting Carla out. The halls were dark and cold, worse than before. The white foam started to poor out of the ceiling and down the walls.

I ran with Ada away from the moving foam. Faces could be seen on the walls and carla was forming herself.

We ran into a room with nitrogen barrels in it. We were going to the end when Carla blocked us. A face grew making a new wall in our path.

The nitrogen was right behind it. I got my gun and went for it, shooting the face long enough to get the barrels.

Just one bullet was all I needed to set them off and freeze the foam away. "You're nothing but a cheap knock off." Ada looked down at Carla who was actually dying.

"See you around." Ada turned to me before running out of the room. She left and I was left alone.

Is simmons innocent? I wanted to find out. I knew exactly where he is. A helicopter flew over head, it was Ada. She must be going somewhere important.

I couldn't get anything to go faster so I ran. I went as fast as i could but i knew I would miss something.

I went to Simmons location to find nothing. Nobody was there, not even an infected.

I jumped when a huge blade of glass crashed against the ground next to me. I look up to see what was happening. Simmons was going to kill Ada.

I had my gun but I couldn't get a shot. Leon was up there with Ada and he stabbed Simmons from behind.

Simmons fell down off the platform and landed right down the middle of a spike. His blood splashed on my face and pooled down to the floor.

It was over

For now


Congratulations! You got Ending 1

A few bumps in the road but still got that happy ending.

You can see what the other endings are... or not that's fine but the other ends are completely different than what you would expect.

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